[48]: Waterworks, Revelations & Flower Meanings

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**Picture on the side of Lyd's dress and flower...oh and a cheeky picture of Ash as well..enjoy**

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on my next dress for the fashion show as best as I could without my mannequin, Ash had yet to drop it back off at my house. I really wanted to have a nap, but my priority right now is these dresses, I could sleep once it was all over.

Elliot left a while ago, after my dad brought up our delayed bacon buttys. All day I'd tried to shake this hangover, but nothing worked. When would I learn that drinking everything in sight with Ash would never lead anywhere other than making me feel like a walking bag of shite.

Without having my mannequin it was slightly difficult to fit my dress properly, but not impossible. My music was playing quietly in the background, I usually have it blasting out but today wasn't a good day and the thought of drinking tonight made me want to curl up in a ball and cry. There was no way out of it, the girls were coming round to get ready soon and tonight we were getting very drunk.

If I was going to go out tonight I needed to make myself feel better. I popped two more paracetamol down my throat and headed down to the kitchen for more water to hydrate myself and food to line my stomach.

Ash would be picking me and the girls up to take us to the party later, I really didn't want to face him just yet but I guess we had to move on from all this at some point. This morning I finally took the hint that he'd never want me, and with Elliot confessing he knew all along about Ash and I, I know I just need to be by myself for a little while. It's not fair to be with someone else whilst you know that you're in love with another boy. I know that now.

Fin and my dad were sat in the living room watching the rugby as I passed to grab myself a drink and some food.

"Mum's at the shops right now buying food for tea Lydia; don't be snacking." I heard my dad shout through.

Quickly making a ham sandwich, picking up a packet of crisps and a bottle of water I head into the living room.

"I'm hungry, I need to eat something or I'll be sick and I need to get rid of this hangover before tonight." I sigh sitting down next to Fin.

"You're getting no sympathy from me Squirt" Fin teased wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Maybe just a little bit, I've had a tough day." I say pouting up at him.

He squinted his eyes at me and then smiled pulling me closer to him. "So what's happened now?"

I glanced at dad who was looking at me as well; I can't believe my whole family knew about my love for my best friend.

"Ash chose Tina." I say shrugging my shoulders at them, and I felt Fin tense under me.

"Are you sure about that pumpkin?" Dad asked me and I nodded feeling myself well up.

"I was there. We were talking about us and what we wanted to happen, he was freaking out that it would ruin our friendship and I was about to say I wanted to risk it anyway when he answered a call to her and said he wasn't doing anything important and that she could come over. I was stood talking to him about our possible future together and he said it wasn't anything important. I know I keep saying this and not keeping to it but I'm not waiting around any longer for him." I say to them, I could feel the tears running down my face. "I know I'm not with Elliot anymore, but with him it was easy, I knew he wouldn't hurt me and he really liked me. I wanted all that and more with Ash. But right now I think the best thing for me to do is be by myself and leave any possibility of Ash and I in the past."

"Elliot may have liked you Lyd, but I'm glad things between you two are over now. It wasn't fair to him for you to stay together when you have these feelings for Ash and it's not fair to you to keep getting yourself mixed up and confused with everything. But you know deep down Ash loves you. Don't you think he deserves a chance?" Fin says wiping a finger under my eye.

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