Society's Killing the Teenager.

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Maybe I could be a lifeguard, 
because I sure as hell know
no one else
will save people from drowning
in their insecurities.

They might hear a scream, 
or see a sign,
but no one's in 'need'.

Society has taught us 
problems don't matter.
If we ignore it enough
it might go away...

Don't you mean they'll 
commit suicide one day?

They'll clench their fists
as they tear,
the photo-shopped shit 
of every famous 

And look at what the
wants us to be.

Because unless you change
your hair,
your weight,
your face,
just you...
then you're going

And I'd say future generations

We're already the
screwed up kids.

With ideas of
to fit a category,
isn't this an analogy?

That the expectations
shouldn't exist.

And if they continue,
and heighten forever,
then what will happen
to the teenager?

They will cease to

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