(3 1/2) Not My Home

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Ariana's POV

Justin has to be the sweetest person ever.
But I can tell he is not all nice, sweet, and innocent. I can feel it.

I could normally figure what it is, but I feel like something about Justin does not want me to know.

When we got home I put everything in my closet.
I sat and my bed and started thinking about everyone.

Everyone at home.
My home.

They must be worried, we were suppose to leave a long time ago.

I can't believe I'm no longer me

I can't just run outside my home and let it all out, all the things I can do.
Back home I could walk to the field of trees and push them down without touching them.

I was thinking if I could just tell everybody here on earth that I am a alien.
I feel like that might be a good idea.
But for the meantime, I have to fix the thing that brought us here.
I have to find were it landed at fix it.

It won't be easy, but I can do it.

Justin's POV

I was on twitter noticing all the drama of when me and Ariana were at the mall.

Some hate it, some love it.
I saw a tweet that said

"Wtf!? Who is this bitch? She just comes out of nowhere than steals justin! She's probs just using him for fame, so don't worry, she'll be out of Justin's life in no time"

I got mad and laughed also.
Mad cause Ariana doesn't even know that I got loads of money and she called her a bitch, an laughed when she said Ariana would be gone in I no time.

Ariana lives with me.

I tweeted her:
"Sorry sweety, she's here to stay"

I didn't want to say much knowing words would be turned around and then the hate comes.

I heard foot steps coming tords me.
Ariana sat next to me.

"I want to go home" I said
I laughed a little nervously

"What? You are home"
I told her

"No, not this home, my home, my family must be worried!"

"But you can't go" I begged her

"Then the only option is to tell that Im a alien" she said innocently

"Yea, that's not happening, you don't know what they're like, if they know that you're alive, they're gonna try to take away the secrets if your planets life" I said

"I'm sorry Justin, I just feel really alone here"

"So was I, until you came here. I was in a rut, I lost all my friends"

"Justin, I am going to try and find it, and when it's fixed, in gone. But for the meantime I'm here, it's going to take a long time until I leave, so just enjoy the time that I'm here"

I knew she was serious.

I just nodded at left.

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