38. Showdown

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Bo and Helga had no choice but to launch at the men as they rounded the corner. Helga swung her gun wildly, using it as a mace. Clayton seemed to zero on her, nearly succeeding in shooting her as she dodged a soldier. She aimed her own rifle at Clayton, but by then Bo couldn't focus on her anymore.

With just fists, Bo had to rely on brute strength. She tackled a soldier, slamming his head onto the ground and knocking him unconscious. She was just crawling off him when Aston slammed into her, sending her reeling backward. He lifted his gun, shooting at Bo, and she just managed to duck low and avoid the energy beams as they sailed over her head.

Knowing that retreating would only result in death, Bo instead ran toward Aston and plowed into his middle. They grappled on the ground, kicking up the fresh dust from the storm and gagging Bo as she struggled to smash Aston's face into the ground. He jerked against her, smashing his fist into the side of her head and making her keel to one side. With her weight off him, he managed to flip her onto her back and pin her down with his knees. Her arms still free, she attempted to punch him, but he slammed the end of his gun down on the elbow of her arm, making her yelp with pain, and then holding down her other arm with one of his hands.

Now that she was pinned, he stared at her with pure hatred washing through his eyes. His gun slowly came around to hover in front of her eyes, and once more he was about to shoot her. The last gunshot he'd sent through her still hurt every so often, but this one wouldn't make the mistake of missing her vital organs. This was one was meant for her brain.

"I'm going to be rid of you!" Aston shouted in her face. His rage had turned into something more. A panic-stricken anger. "I'll take my life back by getting rid of yours!"

Bo saw his finger squeeze the trigger. She closed her eyes, all her muscles tensing as she waited for death to claim her.

But no pain came. No blast split the air. No heat cooked her brain. Instead, she opened her eyes to see Aston desperately pulling at a trigger that merely clicked and clicked with no action. She saw the flashing empty light moments before he did, and with the relief of being alive coursing through her, she rammed her knee up hard enough to dislodge Aston.

As he fell over, Bo scrambled to her feet and toward the metal water tank. She saw Adam, miraculously fighting off a militia soldier, a few feet away. He hadn't seen the trouble she was in yet. He was barely holding on himself while the soldier slammed his gun down on Adam's blocking arms. She saw the pain across his face with each blow, and knew she had to get to him. They would be safe together. Together they'd be able to fight.

She was only a few feet away from Adam. Raising her hand, she opened her mouth to call out to him. To bring him close.

But then cold pain exploded on the back of her head. Her eyes burst with black spots and her whole body went limp. Her knees, refusing to carry her any longer, collapsed and sent her slamming into the dust. She barely had the senses to see Aston stepping over her, his gun lowering.

It wasn't a shot, but he'd hit her across the back of the head with the metal end of the gun. Her ears still rang with the impact and she couldn't shake the pain and nausea that washed over her as Aston stood above her. A moment later, he pulled a long knife from a sheath on his belt. It glistened in the light, a long and serrated blade that would have no trouble slicing her open and spilling her life on the ground.

Except that he didn't go for her. He merely stared at her, and then turned. Turned and walked toward where Adam was just slamming the militia soldier's head into the water tank. Adam's back was to them. He wouldn't see Aston, or know that a blade was about to plunge into his ribs. He'd have no idea his death was approaching.

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