39. Faceoff

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The dust whipped around Bo in a sudden torrent. Forced to squeeze her eyes shut, she only heard the thrumming of an engine and the rumbling vibrations in her bones. Heat blew over her, and when she finally pried her eyes open she saw that Silver's airship had landed a few feet away. Esme leaned over the railing closest to Bo and Adam, and waved her arms vigorously. A rope ladder flapped against the side of the airship, ridiculously unstable but still the greatest thing Bo had ever seen in her life.

Helga appeared at Bo's side, peering at her and Adam. "Think you can make it up the ladder, Adam?" she asked.

Adam gritted his teeth and stared at the long climb to where Esme waited for them. "Well, I don't have much choice, do I?"

"What about you, Bo?" Helga asked.

"Please, it's just a little stab wound," Bo said, snorting and then immediately regretting it when it jostled the blade still lodge in her side.

Helga raised her eyebrows, looking thoroughly unconvinced. "Wow, yeah, you both seem totally capable," she said. "I'll make sure not to stand at the base when you're climbing. I don't want to get crushed when you fall off."

Bo rolled her eyes, but knew Helga was probably right. She barely had the strength to walk, and somehow she'd have to haul herself twenty feet upward. And Adam had it even worse, with his broken ribs and hours spent under torture. She'd be surprised if they didn't fall off and crush Helga.

Not wasting any more time, they approached the ladder, and despite her threat, Helga did stand at the base and keep the end steady. Bo smiled her thanks as she grabbed the first rung and began her ascent.

It was torture itself. Her arms shook with the effort and her side felt like her skin was splitting each time she lifted her legs to place them higher on the ladder. Sweat beaded on her hairline and slowly dripped down her cheeks and neck. The sound of the airship faded, replaced by a loud ringing and the sound of her own stilted breathing.

But then the railing was in sight, and Esme's hand reached down to grab her forearm. With her help, Bo hauled herself the last few steps and collapsed on her back to gasp the air and wait for her body to stop shuddering. Esme stared at the knife jutting from Bo's side with eyes larger than normal.

"What happened!" she gasped, her hands fluttering over the hilt but knowing better than to remove it when they didn't have medical supplies around.

Bo grunted. "Can't speak," she choked out. "Tell. You later."

Esme nodded and glanced over to where the rope ladder was strained tight under another weight.

"I'm going to help Adam now," Esme said. "Will you be all right by yourself for a while?"

Bo flashed a thumbs up, and tilted her head back to close her eyes and fight off the dizzy cloud that fogged her mind. She wasn't even aware of drifting off, but she must have because she jerked back into reality after hearing Adam's voice somewhere nearby. Her eyes flew open to see the orange sky above her and Adam lowering himself painfully to sit by her side. His eyes watched her with worry, and she smiled to hide the fact that she had passed out from him.

"I asked how you were feeling," he asked, resting a hand on her stomach.

"Peachy keen," she replied, laying her hand on his.

"I can't wait to get out of here!" Helga's voice crashed into the moment. Bo strained her neck to see Helga just climbing over the railing and bending over to catch her breath. Her eyes scanned the deck, taking in Adam and Bo, and then over to where Khan propped himself against the driver's seat and nudging levers and buttons to keep the airship steady.

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