Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The guardsmen at the gate knew who Amory was by now. They let him pass with just a nod of the head and a quiet greeting.

He'd visited three times over the last two weeks. After he'd come back with the king's caravan, Lyv riding with him, they never questioned why he was at the palace. Even though he'd seen her every visit since then, Lyv had yet to say a word.

He could still feel her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, hands pressed against his stomach as they rode the day and a half together. She'd been asleep in the carriage until they stopped at noon and asked to ride with him. She wanted to get out of the carriage but knew she wouldn't be able to ride herself. Amory hesitated at first but nodded as he helped her up behind him.

By the time they'd gotten to the palace, she was falling asleep with her face pressed against his back. He'd carried her up to her room, where her lady's maid, Tulia, fussed over her, having heard what had happened. He had to pry Lyv's hands from him just so he could let her get some sleep.

But the next day when he and Gideon visited the king...well, to see how she was doing actually...she could barely look at him in the eye. He could tell he was still regaining her strength and was almost embarrassed to have them see her the way she was.

Was he reading that right?

It was the same the following two times he came to the palace. Even though she'd been standing off to the side or at the top of the stairs, she wouldn't say a word to him or to Gideon.

Now, as he followed the same path he took to the front doors, he found himself taking another way around, back to the training grounds where he heard men cheering and the king's quiet laugh.

Stepping up beside Bence, who was standing the edge of the courtyard, it took Amory a moment to realize what was going on.

They were watching Lyv, who was surrounded by five men who were teasing and taunting her. She had a dagger in one hand and a look of fury in her eyes. Balian was one of these men and he was the one she wasn't too focused on.

Amory knew why just a few moments later.

Faster than he'd seen any anyone do, she dropped two of the men into the bales of hay off to one side, both with bloodied noses. Moments later, another clutched at his arm as he lay withering on the ground, his shoulder out of socket.

The fourth took his chance at going for her from behind, but that was one mistake he knew he made exactly one second later when she twisted and flipped him over her shoulder. The cracking of ribs as he slammed onto the ground was audible throughout the courtyard.

"That's seven seconds faster than yesterday. I've been counting," Bence said quietly over to Amory as Balian and Lyv started circling each other. "He likes to taunt her, though. He knows it pisses her off."

"Does he really think that's wise?" he asked. "Especially with..."

Amory felt it then, her magic slamming up against the wall she so desperately kept from cracking any more than it already had. It was singing, begging for her to let it free, but she held it back.

But with Balian's taunts and jabs at her, he knew. He knew it was only a matter of time before she unleashed it. No, it wouldn't be the same magic that killed the gypsy gang, but it would be enough to throw Balian on his ass.

And it was the most glorious thing to witness when it finally happened.

One moment, Balian had swung his sword high, but Lyv's dagger blocked it before it could meet its mark. She growled with fury in her eyes and Balian knew he was screwed. With a roar, Lyv reached up and grabbed onto his wrist, yanking the sword from his grasp. Throwing him back down to his knees, she twisted, swinging the sword so close to his chest it sliced his shirt as he skittered backward.

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