Chapter 21

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Chloe's POV

"How are you doing?" I asked as I held Daisy's tiny body in my arms

"Alright "said lexi as she looked up from her phone

"Me and jake have been talking, I might be moving in with him " I said trying to regain lexi's attention

"Seriously? So your going to be living with us?" Asked lexi with a face full of excitement

"Yep, I just need to phone him and let him know when I'm coming" I said feeling happy that my daughters happy

"Erm mom....will you and dad be getting back together?" Asked lexi as she put her phone down

"Well I'm working on it at the minute" I said smiling as I went over the good times me and logan had before splitting up

Then logan came through the door with 2 cups and a bottle of water.

"I got you a coffee chloe " said logan as he put the cups on the side and handed lexi the water bottle

"Dad ?" Asked lexi which mad eme and logan stare at lexi

"Yeah?" Asked Logan as he took a sip of the coffee which was now in his right hand

"Are you and mom gonna get back together?  Like do a trial thing for 2 weeks and if you still can't stand eah other then fair enough "begged lexi which made me and logan feel really awkward.

Being asked by your daughter if you were getting back together with your ex is hard I must admit,  but I was willing to give it a go, for lexi's sake

"I will if your okay with it ?" I said as I stood up handing Daisy back to Lexi

"Yeah sure 2 weeks trial though" Asked Logan as he sat down in his chair , still holding his coffee

"Yeah just 2 weeks " said lexi as she started feeding Daisy some bottle milk which was already made up on the side

To be honest with logan hating me and all that I didn't think he would say yes , but he might just be doing it to make lexi happy. I understand if he is because she's been through a lot recently.

I've also been looking at some clothes for daisy and Lexi which I was planning on buying and giving them to them before I got here but I forgot so I'll have to grab them from the mall in a few days if I get chance.

Hey guys I've decided I'm going to update this book every Monday , Wedensday and Friday if that's alright with you guys? It's jut because I can't write 2 good detailed chapters that have to be published the same day.

Hope that's okay ! Bye guys ☺☺

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