then he asked me..

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a/n I now have 160 reads thank you guys sooooooooo soooooooo much for reading

Luke's POVΔ

why did I kiss her I mean I didn't want to but the way she asked was so seductive and I could'nt help my self but kiss her. then I asked her...

Summers POVΔ

he asked me... he asked me why I straddled him and asked him to kiss me and I told him, I told him everything...

Harry's POVΔ

I saw her, I saw her straddle Luke whisper in his ear and kiss him, that should have been me, me she was straddling, me she whispered to in the ear to and me she kissed! if only i didnt reject her urgh i dont even know why i rejected her in the first place i mean look at her she's beautiful, wait beautiful, since when did i ever call a girl beautiful? she's amazingly perfect in every way she has no flaws at all! I'm not happy about this, I'm really not!!! I am heart broken and its terrible how she does it to all three of us guys I have had enough of her little pathetic games I'm going to go home and sleep and ask her tomorrow!

Summer's POVΔ

me and Luke spent the night together and then I asked him.. "Luke would you 'fake date' me so I can get Alex and Luke jealous?" "why would you want to do that?" "because you haven't found your mate yet and my mate is too busy fucking other girls in the closet" he took a moment to think and then he realized what I had just said and he said " then yes I  will 'fake date' you but we have to sleep together and I am allowed to kiss you when ever I want to" " ok deal"

a/n sorry its short but I have a birthday party to go to I will update when I get back byeee my adorbss

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