Chapter 10

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A/n: I know. I ain't shit. But I have actually been wanting to do this chapter for awhile. I just couldn't come up with the right date (considering I've never been on one -_-). Anyways enjoy!!!!!


    Kean's POV

   Dog. My heart is beating so mother-freaking hard right now. Like, I'm afraid that she might end up hearing it. We're just sitting here staring at each other, and I'm still waiting for a response.

   I mistake her continued silence as her not wanting to go and just try not to get my hopes up. I decide to save my self the embarrassment of hearing her reject me.

  " It's alright if-"

   "I would love to go on a date with you."

   I sit there for a moment trying to make sense of her words. Then all of a sudden, my heart stops and then starts beating twice as fast as before.

" You forreal?" I had to ask just to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

Jalyn POV
I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. She looked like a confused puppy, but then she instantly perked up when she realized what I said.

" Yes Kean, I would love to go on a date with you" I repeat  much to her enjoyment. I could tell I made the right choice by the way she gave me a full genuine smile; showing her neat pearly whites.

  A small part of me is saying that this is too soon, but the majority is telling me to trust and have faith in Kean. Even though that may have a lot to do with my feelings for Kean, I have always been the kind of person to give people the benefit of the doubt.

  Let's just hope I made the right choice...

A/n: Okay even I hate myself for this chapter because I feel it could be better. But I decided to make the whole chapter after this one their date... and there just may be some drama😝😉

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