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Disclaimer; I do not own Teen Wolf.


"I found someone!" A deputy's voice called out. His eyes were rested on a young teenage girl, no older than sixteen or seventeen. Sheriff Stilinski and a couple of other men came rushing over, halting to a stop when they came next to the deputy that had called out.

The girl was almost naked, with only a thin sweatshirt covering her body. Stilinski immediately took off his jacket and covered the girl with it. When he had gotten closer he noticed a large gash on her temple that was bleeding quite heavily, causing him to suck in a deep breath. "Call an ambulance," he shot to one of the deputy's behind him. He nodded and ran off in the direction of his car.

The Sheriff lightly touched her shoulder to see if she would react in any way. He blinked in astonishment when her eyes fluttered open, trying to focus on his face.

"What?" She mumbled, her body twitching. Stilinski softly stroked her shoulder to show that he meant no harm.

"What is your name?" He asked her gently. The girl looked up at him with a dazed look in her eye.

"My name?" She asked. "I- I don't know what my name is," she told him. "Who are you, and where am I?" She questioned him trying to sit herself up. Realisation dawned on the Sheriffs' face.

"You have no memory of who you are, do you?" The Sheriff asked the girl.

She blinked, confused and slowly started to edge herself away from the man she didn't know. "No, do you?"

TRAILER TO THE SIDE! >>> Made by @reachingformorex Go check out her fanfictions, she's a brilliant writer and trailer maker. ;) 

Yes, new story. I know what you're thinking. 'She can barely handle one!'. Well, that's true, but I wanted to put this out there until I'm at least half finished with One of the Misfits. I really wanted to write a Teen Wolf fanfiction since I've been reading them lately, and I haven't read one about memory loss, so I thought 'Why Not?'.

I'll write chapters in my spare time, but not post them. If I haven't gotten through One of the Misfits by July, then that's when I'll start posting chapters. But for the time being, tell me what you think!

~ SaskiaRose

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