27. Armistice

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      There was still so much legal in work to take care of, and also tons of catching up to do. I'm still technically a criminal which is kinda funny when you think about it. The media was not yet aware of my return. Cameras did however catch me outside of the enflamed apartment building last week, but that's about it.

      I was doing my best to keep a low profile here at the compound until things settle down. My Father hasn't left me alone since my return, and if he wasn't able to be around then someone else would watch over me. Either Vision or Pepper would take his place until he returned from whatever he was doing.

       I spent a majority of my free time searching, searching for clues, or answers to my burning questions. Bruce Banner was still nowhere to be found, Thor was off world somewhere in the universe, turns out Natasha was working against us during the 'civil war' just like I was... so she had dropped off the radar as well. That didn't surprise me all that much. Almost everyone from before is gone. Clint, T'Challa, Sam, Wanda. I didn't like the feeling of not having them around.

Steve was just gone. No trace, no nothing.

      I was sitting on my perfectly made bed inside my bedroom. Outside the window, a man was mowing the green lawn. I found myself thinking about my Aunt Sharon. Who knows where she is now. I'm not sure if she was involved with Steve during the whole Accords mess two months ago.

      But then again I could be wrong, which I always kind of am. I sighed and set my phone down on the bed. There was nothing interesting on there. I laid back on the covers, turning my head slightly to see Steve's shield resting against the wall.

      "How much you want to risk?"
His words echoed in my mind. I could picture him standing in the hallway of the Wakanda facility where Bucky was refrozen. He asked me to become what he originally was suppose to be.

      "I risked everything" I said angrily, staring at the red, white, and blue shield. Bucky hugging me goodbye just before he was put in the freezing chamber flashed in my mind. I pushed off from the bed and grabbed the shield, with all my might I threw it against the wall. It created a dent in the wall and clattered on the floor unscratched "I'm no damn Captain America" I gritted my teeth "and I never want to be" I picked up the shield and threw it inside the closet under some clothes.

Then my bedroom door opened "Kid, someone is here to see you!" My Dad called.

      I exited my closet and closed it behind me, letting my back rest against the door for a moment "Okay" I nodded lazily, not meeting his eye.

      He noticed my attitude, and also the new dent in my wall beside the dresser. He linked his fingers together behind his back and inspected the small damage. I then felt bad, it's my first week back and I'm already breaking shit "We'll paint over this" he said simply "I've been wanting to put a new layer on this wall anyway" Dad removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm sorry" I apologized, looking down at my toes.

      "No need" he shook his head "How are you doing?" He asked, placing his glasses back on over his dark eyes. I kept my head down, my brunette hair fell over my forehead. There was so much to say, but I didn't know what it was. I felt almost trapped inside my body, trapped and the key to my escape was lost at the bottom of the sea. Dad sighed slowly and crossed his arms. I pressed my lips into a thin line.

      Part of me still felt lost even though I had already returned "You know, I haven't asked because something has told me not to..." I didn't meet his eyes, too afraid to hear the rest of what he has to say "... but you've peaked my curiosity, honey"

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