CHAPTER NINE - Domesticated Wolf

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Diana and her baby were all over the news for the next three weeks and a citywide memorial was held for the baby. They had been found using footage from the security camera that had captured Diana walking in front of two of the restaurants in the harbor. The camera couldn't pick up the vampire but it made no difference because her attacker was slaughtered. Thankfully, there was no trace of Henry anywhere. He had stayed out of direct sight and his black fur hid him in the darkness. It had been concluded that Diana and her lover had been attacked by a jealous ex. That was the only logical explanation to police considering the lack of contradictory evidence and Diana's wild lifestyle. Sean was their only lead at first but he had been in another state at the time. Timber knew that the case would go cold eventually. By the middle of October, the whole case had been forgotten by the town as their children started talking about Halloween.

As usual, Halloween was a big deal for Timber and her friends. Henry had been unwillingly dragged into their festivities over the years but he found it easier not to complain anymore. After his first complaint, he was reprimanded by all five women so he learned to bite his tongue. Now, he found that he enjoyed himself.

Timber was one to celebrate the seasons and decorate for the holidays so when October rolled around, Timber lined the front steps with pumpkins. The inside of her home had plastic pumpkins and rubber bats and black mixed in with the rusty orange color that made an appearance in September. She watched Halloween movies all month and made special popcorn on Friday nights when they watched them together. Over time, Henry discovered that he thoroughly enjoyed the season of Halloween. Timber made it fun. His favorite treat was the themed lunches Timber sent him to work with twice a week, from Mummy Dogs, to Jack'O'Lantern quesadillas. He could tell she had as much fun making them as he had eating them.

This Halloween was slightly different because Ashley was three months pregnant so the usual wild party had been canceled because she couldn't drink with them and she couldn't over-exert herself so they didn't do a dance party either. Instead of their usual antics, they decided to go out to the Mendocino Botanical Gardens for the annual Pumpkin Night party.

A couple of hours before lunch, Timber and Henry's doorbell rang. Henry answered it to find Ashley and Justin, Xianna and Dresden, Kendra, Gina, and her new boyfriend Thomas, standing on the porch, all carrying pumpkins and wearing thick scarves over their favorite thick sweaters. Henry let them in and everyone gathered in the warm living room and removed layers of access clothing. Timber's eyes followed Thomas carefully, glaring at him when he made her insides squirm.

"Hey! I'm so glad you all came!" said Timber, bringing in several copies of old newspapers to cover the floor in front of the roaring fire.

"When have we ever missed a Halloween together?" asked Gina.

"When was the last time we carved pumpkins together?" asked Kendra as she helped spread out the newspapers on the hardwood floor where the coffee table usually was.

"That's the real question. Hasn't it been about eight years?" asked Xianna, taking a carving knife that Timber handed her.

"Oh yeah," said Ashley. "We thought we were too old for trick or treating and carving pumpkins."

"What fools we were," laughed Gina.

"Well, we are too old for trick or treating," said Timber, "but I don't think we're too old to carve pumpkins."

"There's nothing you guys didn't do together, is there?" asked Justin.

"Nope," said Ashley. "We did everything together growing up and it will always be that way even when we are old."

"Yeah," said Kendra. "If you have one of us, you have all of us. We're a package deal."

"It's true," laughed Henry. "Sometimes I feel like I'm married to five women."

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