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chapter status: edited

E M M A 

I turned around in the mirror a couple of times, admiring my dress, but not my body.

I thought if I kept looking at myself and re-adjusting the top that the dress would actually look good on me.

But it didn't.

I groaned and plopped down on my bed, running my fingers through my hair.

Luke's family was having a barbecue and they invited me, so I wanted to look my best.

Of course, I've met his family before, but I still wanted to look presentable.

"Emmy, its time to go, princess!" Luke sang, barging in through the door.

I chuckled, sitting up and locking eyes with him.

"You sound like my mom." I joked, Luke rolling his eyes.

I stood up and walked over to Luke, and he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"2 weeks clean. I'm a happy penguin." Luke stated, kissing me on the forehead.

"15 days, actually." I corrected, looking up at Luke, batting my eyelashes, sending a small smile.

"And I'm glad I stuck around." I whispered, Luke planting a sweet kiss on my lips.





We walked through the backyard gate, fingers locked.

Luke's mother spotted us first, a smile spreading on her face.

"Emma! Hey there! I haven't seen you in a while, love!" She exclaimed, running towards us and pulling me in for a hug.

"Hello, Mrs.Hemmings! You look great! Haven't aged a day." I complimented, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh, Em! You know that I prefer to be called Liz! Oh, hi Luke!" She went on greeting us, and I just looked up at Luke, taking in all his features.

"Okay you kids have fun!" Liz said, disappearing into the house.

"I'm going to go get a hot dog. Do you want anything?" Luke asked, stepping halfway onto the patio.

"Um, bottled water, maybe?"

"You got it." Luke kissed my cheek and headed inside.

I felt a tiny tug on my dress, causing me to look down. A little blonde boy with curly hair and blue eyes was staring up at me.

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