The Dark Disappears (part one) | Davy Prentiss Jr.

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requested by toddhewitts

sometimes i remember that nick jonas was cast as davy and then i think back to my days as a kid when i was obsessed with him out of the three jonas brothers and i just came full circle, didn't i? hahah

anyway i'm gonna try and update these as regularly as possible, so feel free to request as much as you want. there are no limits.


this is an AU where davy gets an ending he deserves :')


You wanted to get away from all of it, the war, the fear, the death. Being a woman had become next to impossible when Haven became New Prentisstown. You were stuffed in homes far away from where you used to live, and you knew without a doubt that your family was gone.

None of it was easy to face, and with nothing keeping you going, you felt in the dark most of the time, numb to the tasks put on your plate, uncaring what went on around you.

So when the opportunity (a distraction in the shape of a ship in the sky) came, you ran. You ran and ran and ran until you were halfway across New Prentisstown, gulping down breaths and struggling to keep going.

You kept going, praying no one would follow you-

And then you came to a sudden stop, seeing a man on the ground, sprawled out. You had been forced to work as a nurse for several months now, and the sight of someone hurt made you drop all selfish thoughts. You were next to the man within moments, only to realize it was a boy.

His chest was coated in blood, his breaths shallow, eyes closed. There was nothing and nobody around him. You put a hand under his head and searched for a pulse at his wrist. A heartbeat fluttered faintly in there.

You bit your lip.

You had a first aid kit tucked away in your bag. You had taken everything you thought you might need and a little more, expecting weeks alone in the woods, fighting to survive.

And now you were on the ground, holding a boy that was bleeding to death, fighting to survive.

You took off your backpack, glancing around to make sure no one was around. Once it was off, you opened it, grabbing your first aid kit and opening it, taking out things you needed. 

You had to take off the boy's jacket and cut away his shirt with a knife. He had a wound at the top of his chest. There would be no guarantee of survival, but you had to try.

You worked as quickly as you could, getting blood and dirt all over your hands. As you finished stopping the blood and bandaging the wound, the boy's Noise was starting to come back, fuzzy and all over the place.

"My name is ___," you said, even though he probably couldn't hear you, "and I'm gonna take you away from here, okay?" You grabbed one of the three syringes you'd packed and jabbed it in his arm, praying the medicine would reach the wounded area soon.

You hooked his jacket over your arm and stuffed the first aid back on your bag. Faint shouts could be heard several feet away, Noise following them. You panicked, grabbing the boy's arm and forcing it over your shoulders, grunting as you had to lift an extra two hundred pounds with the boy and the backpack and the uniform jacket.

You limped towards the edge of town, darting behind homes and buildings and getting closer and closer to the trees.

The boy's Noise was back.

You couldn't hear much at first, but as he started to groan and whimper, words formed in his head. A giant, fearful, horrified mess of them:

TODD and PA? and shut up, Viola- and I'm sorry and I didn't mean it and Todd? Forgive me, Todd- and PA? PA! TODD-

You couldn't go far with him, so after you were in the coverage of the trees, you listened for the sound of the river. It was only a ten minute trek, but it feels like hours when you're clinging to a dying boy.

The river bank was a perfect enough place to set him down. You prayed his Noise was quiet and wouldn't attract any predators or men or women.

He groaned as his bare back met the cool, muddy ground.

"It's okay," you said softly, peeling the already soaked bandages off his chest replacing them. "You're okay."

And his Noise replayed your words back. Yer okay.


Somehow, you had been lucky enough to come across a tiny shed on the very outskirts of an abandoned town that hadn't been destroyed or emptied out.

You were so grateful to have a place to hide with walls, a place to lay the boy you found, a place to eat and drink and sleep, that you didn't bother checking to see if anyone still lived there.

But days went by and no one came home.

The boy hadn't opened his eyes once.

You had put him on the only bed in the tiny shed - a stack of three thick blankets on one side of the very tiny, only room. He laid there feverish and asleep.

Your days and most of your nights consisted of you coaxing broth into his mouth, placing wet rags on his head, and you dribbling water and painkillers between his lips. You tried to keep his fever down and always checked for infection, making sure he always had clean bandages.

You had grown used to the silence the day his Noise broke through and his eyes peeled open. The movement coming from him was alarming. You dropped your breakfast and rushed to his bedside, listening to his confused, panicked gasps.

"Hey," you said, "I'm here." Too bad he didn't know who you were. "Hey, it's okay-"

"Todd," he choked, looking around. "Where is he?"

"I... don't know a Todd," you answered. Your eyebrows furrowed. "Hey, you need to sit still."

"If my pa took them-"

"Took who?" you asked. He moved again. "Please. You've been shot. You have to stay still."

"I was shot?" he asked, surprise in his Noise.

"You don't remember?"

"No," you said. He laid back, blinking up at the roof. "I don't remember nothing."

You stared at him for a long moment. "Well," you started, "I'll help you remember."

He looked at you, frowning deeply as he tried to put a name to your face, looking nervous as you opened a new bandage and went to put it on his wound.

"You're okay," you said, and his eyes softened.

Yer okay, you heard back, seeing pictures in his Noise with it. You by the river, hovering over him, focused on his bleeding gunshot wound.

His eyes had been open. They had been looking at you, and you didn't notice.

Yer okay, his Noise said again.


i'm gonna be doing a part two to this :-)

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