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You lived in New jersey and mikey lived in LA. It was almost Christmas. Your mum asked you what you wanted.
Mum-Y/N what do you want for Christmas
Y/n-To be honest I don't want anything I just wanna see mikey I miss him so much
You then started crying. You just missed him so much. You hadn't seen him in 2 months. You hadn't been apart for this long before.
Christmas day
I woke up early. Even though I missed mikey I decided to not get upset, and to just  enjoy Christmas with my family. We went downstairs and had our traditional chocolate croissants. After I had finished eating I went back upstairs to get ready for the day. I put on

And then headed downstairs

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And then headed downstairs. 1 hour later and I had opened all my presents. I had been given some really nice things. My mum then said to me can you go and pick up your auntie and uncle. (Pretend you can drive). All my other family members were already at my house. I then headed off to get them.
1 hour later
I had just arrived back with my auntie and uncle. They went into the house whilst I parked up. I then went up. As I walked in I noticed a big box in the middle of the floor. I wondered where it has come from and what was inside. Maybe it was the dressing table I had wanted. My mum then came in and I asked what it was. She said open it. I went to open the box but before I could someone jumped out. It was mikey. As soon as I realised who it was I fell to the floor crying with happiness.
Mikey-Hey baby are you going to get up and welcome me
You got up of the floor and jumped into his arms. You then almost had a make out session in front of everyone.
Mikey-Omg I missed you so much. Merry Christmas. I love you.
Y/n-Omg thank you so much mikey I'm so happy. Merry Christmas. I missed you so much. I love you.
Mum-Right dinners ready
Everyone got up. They made sure you and mikey sat next to each other. You all had dinner together then spent the rest of Christmas with mikey and your family. You played games and had a load of fun making memories you would cherish forever. It was late at night. You were all sitting down watching a Christmas movie. Mikey got up and got something.
Mikey-So here's your Christmas present
You opened it and it was a letter. You read it out loud.
Dear y/n
Ever since I met you I fell in love with you. When you said yes to me asking you out I was honestly so happy. You are my everything. I know when we had those deep late night chats we always talked about how we wanted a future together. How we want to get married, how we want to have kids together and mainly how we want to move in together.....
Loads of love mikey
The end of the letter really confused you. What did all this mean. He then gave you another letter. You opened it up and it was a letter and a ticket. The letter said so do you want to move in with me in my apartment in LA? You then looked at the ticket and it was a plane ticket for the 12th of January. It said new jersey to lax. You burst into tears. You were really happy.
Mikey -So what do you say?
Y/n- Of course I will move in with you baby. I love you so much.
Mikey- I love you more beautiful
After all the excitement your family headed home. Your mum went to bed. Then you and mikey decided to go to bed. You were laying in bed talking to mikey .
Y/n-Thank you so much for the best Christmas I could have ever asked for. I love you night
Mikey- Its what I'm here for. I love you more night. You both kissed and then fell asleep.
3 months later
You and mikey now lived in LA together. You were having the time of your life achieving all your dreams with mikey by your side.

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