- Four: An Unaccepted Truth -

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- Four: An Unaccepted Truth -

The remainder of the school day had passed with no more "incidents". Rumors had definitely spread, though. Apparently, I had not only "broken Susan's arm over my knee", but I also "Fled the campus". The things these people could come up with amazed me.

I stood staring at myself in the mirror. The black veins had progressed up to the elbow of my left arm. You can't keep this a secret forever, I told myself. What if it's deadly? What if that guy had something to do with it?

"Riley?" Aunt Kim's voice accompanied a knock at my bathroom door, "Your cousin and I have to run out for a little while. Is everything okay? I feel like I haven't seen you in days."

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just busy." I lied. I had told Aunt Kim that I had today off from work, when in truth I called in sick. The idea of going near that place again made my heart race.

"Alright..." She replied. She didn't sound convinced. Shaking off the guilt, I finally left the bathroom when I heard the front door shut and the car pull out of the driveway.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself some food. I realized when I had gotten home that due to the incident with Susan at lunch today, I hadn't eaten. I got back to my room and opened the door, and as soon as I walked inside the plate of food slipped from my hands and shattered on the floor.

On my bed sat a man. Not just any man. The man. The one from the other night. He sat in the Indian style holding something in his hands, studying it. He seemed not to notice me.

"Who are you!" I boomed, making him jump of out his concentration. In this lighting he didn't look as frightening, but a strange man sitting on your bed isn't something that's typically welcoming anyway.

"Riley, wait-"

"How do you know me?" I snapped as he got up. I grabbed a piece of jagged china from the floor to use as a potential weapon.

"I can explain everything that's been happening." Everything that's been happening? I yelled to myself.

"You've had a fever, haven't you? And your eyes and hair are changing. You're changing. And your veins? Your veins! They're black, aren't they?" Before I could answer he had crossed the room in a few strides and had pushed up my sleeves to reveal my darkened veins.

I shook him off, "Get out."

"I can help." He said.

"You tried to kill me!" I shouted, pressing the broken plate to his throat. Why aren't you fighting back? I shouted in my head.

"Listen to me, dammit!" He shouted, snatching the glass from my hand and crushing it in his own.

"Who are you?" I asked, temporarily letting my guard down to feed my curiosity.

"My name is Dominique Norte." He said. I celebrated for a moment that I had a name to match a description if I ever got to the police. If.

"Dominique Norte, why are you here and what did you do to me?"

"I'm here to bring you home."

"The hell you are." I spat.

"If you would only listen-"

"Listen? To you? A man who attacked me and is now breaking into my home? Well, Dominique Norte, start talking because I'm listening." Before the talk could begin, however, Dominique wrapped his arms around my waist and hoisted me onto his shoulder.

"No! I'm not going with you! Put me down." I shrieked as I was carried down the stairs.

"Stop struggling!" He shouted as he bound my wrists and feet. He laid me in the back of a car gently and got in the drivers seat.

"No!" I shouted, slamming my head into the glass by mistake. The blow had left my head fuzzy, and eventually I could no longer keep my eyelids open.

The Werecats: Creatures of the Night (Book One) (Revised)Where stories live. Discover now