Student's Pet

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"Remus." Headmaster Dumbledore adjusted his glasses before continuing. "You're telling me there's a panther stalking around inside the castle walls?" He seemed unfazed, stoic even, but the slight tremor of his hand gave away his deep concern over this rather unsettling news, emphasizing the seriousness of the situation.

That was just what Lena had needed. She already was beside herself with fear, but seeing Dumbledore's reaction made her almost panic.

"I'm so sorry, Sir," she blurted out instinctively. "I really tried to undo the spell but it didn't work."

Silently, the Headmaster regarded Lupin with a frown, demanding an explanation.

"She is right, Albus," the DADA professor supported the girl's statement. "It's a mystery to me why the spell failed. Under normal circumstances ... "

"Remus," Dumbledore cut him off impatiently. "I know how the familiar spell works. But thanks anyway. Now," his eyes darted back to Lena. "We need to find a solution to this rather peculiar issue. Any suggestions?"

Lena's jaw dropped. How was she supposed to know what to do? Wasn't the Headmaster the one who always knew how to solve problems? After all, he was one of the mightiest wizards in the world, and it was his job to help students if they messed up. Right?

After a moment of uncomfortable shifting in her seat, Dumbledore folded his hands on his desk. "Nothing to offer, I see."

As if on cue, the door swung open and black, billowing robes made for a dramatic entrance. Completely ignoring Lena and his least favorite colleague, the Potions Master strode straight towards Dumbledore.

"You asked to see me, Headmaster?" His deep baritone reverberated in the quiet of the office.

"Yes, Severus." Albus stood rather awkwardly, supporting himself on the desk. "We have a very unusual situation. You see, Remus thought it a good idea to teach his students the familiar spell."

Professor Snape glared briefly at Lupin, not hiding his contempt for the man.

"Ms. Flowers here," Dumbledore nodded in Lena's direction, "is a bright witch, and as such was able to summon her creature. However, unfortunately for all of us, she was not able to cast a successful counterspell." He allowed that to sink in for a second. "Now, I'm afraid it is somewhere in the castle."

Lena received a disapproving look from Professor Snape, before his deep, angry voice reached her ear. "If I may ask, what kind of familiar are we talking about?"

"Apparently, we are dealing with a black panther."

Severus lifted his left eyebrow in bewilderment. "Excuse me?"

"I think you heard me," Dumbledore said sternly. "And since your skills in Defense Against The Dark Arts are as unprecedented as your knowledge of potions, you are going to assist Ms. Flowers in tracking down the animal, and you both make sure it leaves the grounds again."

What?! This had to be a misunderstanding! Shouldn't Professor Lupin be the one who ... Her train of thought derailed as she met the sinister, far too cold stare of the man her heart so pitifully ached for.

"Very well," Professor Snape finally grumbled. With a swift turn on his heel, the black cloak fluttered about his feet. Determination in his steps, he stomped straight back out of the Headmaster's office. When he was already descending the staircase, Lena perceived his chilling snarl yet again. "Ms. Flowers! We don't have all day!"

Where did all those butterflies suddenly come from? And why couldn't they be still? Instead, they were twirling around giddily, doing somersaults in her stomach. Lena was actually surprised that her legs obeyed at all, although they sure felt rather unsteady as she followed the Potions Master's order.

Right before she stepped out into the dim corridor, she turned her head, insecure and looking for reassurance in Dumbledore's usually warm facial features. But what she saw now made her do a double take.

Grinning mischievously, the Headmaster winked at her.

Absolutely perplexed, Lena almost stumbled down the stairs, doing her best to keep up with Professor Snape's pace.

Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, she finally caught up, only to bump into him as he stopped without a warning.

"Watch it," he snapped, spinning around like a whirlwind to face her.

"S-sorry," Lena stuttered, her entire body trembling at the unexpected physical contact. Never before had she touched him, and the sudden sensation of her body being pressed against his, however brief it had been, did something to her she could not explain. It was like an electric shock that zipped through her, electrocuting any reasonable thought, frying her brain. The feeling was not at all unpleasant; it was actually rather enticing. She blushed as she found herself craving more.

Yet, she blushed even more as she came to her senses, realizing that two black eyes gleamed down at her in frustration. Quickly Lena tried to brush off the remnants of her daydream by diverting her gaze. The bare wall behind the wizard seemed like a good option, so she stared over his shoulder, examining the brownish-gray stones.

"Would you do me a favor?" Professor Snape grumbled after a while.

That, too, took Lena completely by surprise and she forgot all about the castle wall. Looking straight at him, she whispered nervously, "Certainly, Sir. What is it?" Blood was rushing to her face as she stood in anticipation, eagerly awaiting his answer.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly as he regarded her. "Would you mind stepping off my cloak?"

Flustered was definitely too weak a description for the state Lena was in. She blinked. Once. Twice. Again. And one more time.

Several idle seconds later, the Potions Master had enough and tugged impatiently at his robe. "You're standing on my cloak. Move, would you?"

A powerful hot wave of embarrassment rolled over Lena right then, painfully burning her insides. Immediately, she took a large step back, forgetting that they were still on the staircase. Her right foot didn't find any solid ground, so with the weight of her own body, it pulled the poor girl off the stair she had been standing on, making her stumble forward.

Irritated, Professor Snape rolled his eyes, giving a disgruntled sigh, and with a firm grip around his student's upper arm, he steadied her, preventing a nasty fall.

"So," he snarled as her feet were back safely on the step. "Bright witch."

"Hm?" Lena was still so beside herself that she couldn't help but squeak this rather lacking question.

"Bright witch," the professor repeated, this time louder, as if she were hard of hearing. Realizing though, that increasing the volume of his voice did nothing to make her comprehend his words, since Lena kept looking at him with a blank expression, he went on to elaborate. "The Headmaster said you were bright. Somehow, and please forgive my bluntness," he smirked patronizingly, "I fail to see any evidence."

That hurt. Lena's brain went from embarrassment to anger in a split second. Without thinking, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. "Why are you so mean to me?"

There it was again. That infamous raised eyebrow. Tilting his head slightly, he appeared to give some thought to her question. "Don't flatter yourself, Ms. Flowers. I don't treat you any differently than any other student, even if your preposterous letter suggests otherwise."

Fortunately, Lena was spared a response, as a distant roar echoed through the corridor at that very moment. Or in fact, she had to correct herself, it was actually quite unfortunate, since a louder second roar indicated that it was getting closer.

A hint of sinister amusement paired with bitter accusation as the dark wizard spoke. "Your pet is coming."

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