Please read!!

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So my sisterrrrr (hiii Toriiii)  has starting (finally) publishing her poems on wattpad!!!!!!!
Oml this is such a happy moment for me honestly guys if you think my poems are good, take a look at hers wowzers they are like so beautiful.
Her I's do show up as exclamation marks and boxes but if you ignore that they're perfect. I mean like no poem is perfect but you get my point.
Okay so her @ is

ToriN15 and her book is "Everything I never said."

Eeeeeee it would mean so much if y'all went and read her book and supported her please she deserves it.

Thankyou all I love you guys so so much and you guys are always there for me and I can't explain how much that means to meeee🤗💞 especially since I'm a very leaveable person if that makes any sense...

Alrighty till next time 😊

Stay strong loves I would miss any one of you if you guys left and don't doubt that. 😘😘

-Your very own broken girl💜

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