Ch. 14 Introductions Please!

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Nates POV

I shook my head while we tried to find a good hiding place for the girl, I was carrying her head while Jonathon carried her legs, and Matt went ahead searching.

I examined the girl, she was definetely pretty...not nearly as pretty as Lisa {in my opinion} but still pretty! She had black hair that went a little past her shoulders, pale skin,she definitely had curves, she looked skinny but not to the point where it looks like she's been starving herself, all in all she looked simple and pretty.

But something I found abnormal was her opened eyes (that almost seemed to be staring at me) looked completely black with little bits of red, (of course she had white in them on the sides, Im just talking about her color of eyes).

Honestly, it looked very creepy to me, it kind of looked like demon hate-filled eyes, they kind of seemed like they shouldn't belong to a human (as strange as that sounds), the black with little bits of red splashed in there made her look pretty terrifying actually.

I don't know how to explain it, it looked like there was something else dark and terrible that was hidden in her eyes, it made her seem intimidating even in death.

Feeling a little disturbed by her eyes, I eventually shut them closed like I've seen people do to dead people in movies, Jonathon shot me a weird look, to which I just shrugged.

"I found it!!" Mathew yelled enthusiastically making me and Jonathon jump, "this wood floor will be PERFECT for lifting up and putting her body underneath!" he said.

'it disturbs me very much that he just so happened to know that there was a room that had a PERFECT floor for hiding dead bodies! It's just a little to convenient, and creepy that he had already thought through a situation like this'

Me and Jonathon exchanged weird looks but still set the girl down and took out the wooden floor boards, then put her in and put the wood back on top of her.

I eyed the spot for a moment 'i wonder if that will hold up, it doesn't look sturdy' I shrugged and walked away, but I really hope that doesn't happen.

Wills POV

Me and Aimee split up and I'm still looking downstairs while she looks upstairs, I came across a hall that had a shaky ceiling. I sighed and held out my arms, after a minute or two Sadie fell from up there.

She was unconscious, 'well it's her fault for passing out in front of me!' I thought as I moved her hair from her neck.

All the sudden I paused, 'her...'s....' I started to panic but then, "what do you think you're doing?!" she randomly yelled, I looked at her face for a second before I fell right on my butt.

"ow ow owww!! that really hurt ya know! I mean seriously, first I go to say hi to those people and they hit me with a plate, and noooow...." she rambled, I tuned her out and stared at her, 'sadie...? but there's no way...' I closely examined her face.

She flicked my forehead, "HEY! honestly, what's with you? Quit acting weird!!"

"wha-" I started but couldn't finish, suddenly I saw a hand on Sadie's shoulder, I immediately looked to see who it was and punched the blonde kid in the face.

"hey...." Sadie said quietly a little surprised, I just grabbed her hand and quickly forced her to her feet and ran away from the person to take Sadie to a different room for protection.

"SLOW DOWN your gonna make me sick again!" she screamed. I stopped in a room slammed the door shut and sat Sadie down on a couch that was there.

She was out of breath from the running, "I'm... gonna..!" she said before coughing, I put my hand on her back, "don't get sick again, just calm down and take deep breaths"

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