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-Richie Tozier, IT 2017

• she has an unhealthy obssession for Dodie Clark, Alessia Cara, Troye Sivan, Ed Sheeran, and Shawn Mendes

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• she has an unhealthy obssession for Dodie Clark, Alessia Cara, Troye Sivan, Ed Sheeran, and Shawn Mendes. do watch yourselves before mentioning these names

•she's gay af

•psych she's actually bi and is still attempting to keep it a secret so shh tell no one unless she approves of said person

•she absolutely loves hugs--hugs from people she finds decent. if ever you aren't one of those people, she will either push you away or make herself inch away

•she's quite awkward(both in personal and online) so if you want to talk to her, beware of the tense awkwardness between you two

•is surprisingly chill once you get to know her

•puns are her life source

•she tends to look at her phone whenever she has no idea what she should say

•the colorful words that fly out of her mouth would make the manliest sailor blush, so don't even try to make her stop

•she has a love-hate relationship with eyeglasses

•her dream is to cosplay as Meg McCaffrey

•she wants someone to take her to Interactive Introverts because she can't afford shit

•she sniffs books for breakfast

•she thinks performing in front of class for a grade is stupid and wishes people would focus on written works more

•she surprisingly likes singing but can't do so in a large crowd

•don't make her choose between cats or dogs that is a horrible question


•she can never finish her stories. she's absolute crap at it. sure she has the plot inside her head and it plays like a 20th Century Fox movie in there, but when she starts writing it down, she can't get the words out

•she hates every single soul in her school (except this one decent--and cute--guy)

•her diet consists of ham, Spam, bacon, chips, the blood of her enemies, bacon, tempura, rice, bacon, cookies, brownies, and did we mention bacon?

•she thinks the riordanverse fandom could use some improvement, but she's still very proud to be a part of it


•the love square is killing her

•she will fight anyone who dare say that Alessia Cara is fat and not pretty enough

•she's either really self-depricating or egotistical--there is no in between

•she thinks the phandom should chill a bit bc they might really be bothering Dan and Phil

•she thinks Jason Grace deserves more love

•same thing with Piper McLean

•she thinks caleo is a trashy ship and is now preparing for the offending comments by hiding behind her pillow fort

•will shit herself if forced to watch horror movies

•she wants people to stop stereotyping Hogwarts houses

•she needs mallowmelt in her life

•someone get her Yoosung Kim please

•she'll fight anyone who insults Nico di Angelo

•founder of the Jerome Protection Squad (don't tell him about this)

•she updates her stories every 100 years

I have no idea what the hell I just wrote but hopefully you enjoyed reading about this weird-ass potato and give love to this amazing joint account dedicated to our PJO Underdogs

I clearly, have more aesthetic in one pinky finger than Kaelin does in her whole body

Oneeka:I clearly, have more aesthetic in one pinky finger than Kaelin does in her whole body

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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