XI. General Concepts

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So, now that I've explained almost everything that you need to know, here's an answer to a basic question. How do I role play?

Well, that much is up to you. There will be times where your character can talk, times where your character does actions, and times where your character does anything in between. So how do you go about doing this? 

There are specific ways to mark when your character is speaking and when they are acting, however many people use a "book style" of doing it. There are also two different kinds of writing this stuff out. There is the "first person" style, and the "third person" style. Here are two different styles that are popular and how to use them in each point of view style of writing:

1. "Book Style"

This style is pretty self explanatory. You write like you're writing a book. You use quotation marks ( " ) for speech and you don't use anything in particular for actions. 

1st person style: 

I walk up to you and smile, "Hey, how's it going?"

3rd person style:

Danny walks up to you and smiles, "Hey, how's it going?"

2. The Asterisk Style

This style means that for speech, you don't do anything, but for actions you put an asterisk ( * ) in between the words that show action. 

1st person style:

*I walk up to you and smile* Hey, how's it going?

3rd person style:

*Danny walks up to you and smiles* Hey, how's it going?

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