Chapter 38

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Chapter 38- Haylee's POV
The next day after that I woke up with a huge headache and the eagerness to leave my hospital room- but I could not until tomorrow. Which would work perfectly, since Shawn was leaving Miami tomorrow, at least I could tell the badass boy good bye.
The door opened, to a worried glance from my dad followed by a prolonged hug of his.
"Oh god, darling, I'm so glad you're doing fine." He said, grinning.
I felt protected, still surrounded by his arms. "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired, but nothing out of the normal." I stated, considering I always was a bit tired- lacking energy.
"Oh, as so am I." He laughed, as if it was some type of great joke.
He was tired of working so much.
He needed to pay off our debt.
The debt I caused.
"It's all cool." I replied, trying to avoid the theme of the debt.
I was ashamed I had caused it.
"Yeah it is," he looked at his phone's screen. "Darling, I need to leave now, to install another door." He was a constructor. "I love you." He only waved good bye, noticing my sleepy eyes.
Although I admitted I was extremely sleepy, I could not sleep at all. So I decided to take visits right now. All the gals came in first, gleeful to finally see me after two days.
"Haylee you look..." I knew Nat was not a liar and was going to say tired of something.
"Great." Finished Leah, euphoric.
"I am may look horrible and exhausted, but I feel great." I said smiling, I was feeling good honestly.
Warm glances filled the room."Because of Shawn." McKenzie half questioned, half asked.
"It's obvious, duh." Said Jasmine, who was quite sarcastic and loved to bug her step sister.
"It is." I said, the girls shrieked simultaneously. They all loved this idea of Shawn and I together.
"Nat, phone away." Commanded Anna, politely, but determined to rip Natalia's phone off her hand if necessary.
She pouted a bit, sadly. "But I'm talking to Matt." Nat said, shrugging.
"If it's him, then it's okay." I said; I did not mind Nat and Matt talking, if she was happy because of that so was I.
She shoved the phone into her pocket. "No, I'll just put it away." Nat said seriously, as that was not her natural self.
The girls and I went on talking about my health issues. I seemed to repeat that I was completely fine, but they opposed to the idea of it. They thought I needed help. I expected that they knew something I did not.
"Guys...what's up?" I said, a bit frightened.
"Well we talked to Dr. Jeff, and well he had said the tumors were shrinking with the new medicine, right, the one you were given after you fainted at the beach." Said Ally, quietly, almost a whisper.
"Yes." I replied, confused.
"The other day when you had that break down at night, it was because they are not taking the tumors away. They have not found the adequate medicine for you." Said Sav, solemn look on her face.
"You will probably have chemo again." Said Kayla, as if each word was a separate sentence.
"No...that...I. No." I refused. I did not want to go through all of it again: the radiation, the no hair, the laying down in bed all day, the looks of pity. I did not want to.
"Maybe. Maybe not, Haylee. You will be medicated new pills, if those don't work then..." Said Mary Cate, not wanting to say the word chemo, while hugging crying Nat.
"Where's my mom? Why did she tell me?" I said hysterically, bawling hard too.
"She...did not want to break the news." Said Tye, glancing at the ground.
Not even being able to look at me in the eyes.
"And where's Shawn?" I said, I needed to talk to him. I needed his support.
I needed him.
"He...left. To the tour. Somehow the schedule was messed up and he left a day early." Said Nat, sobbing hard.
When I needed Shawn the most, he had left me.
Thanks for everything you guys! I love y'all beauties so much. By chapter forty I guess being about half way through the book. I am not expecting a sequel, and I doubt there will be one. So I started writing Tallies, which will be my project after 'My Darling' and is already put on my profile, and the first chapters published already. Go check it out babes.
And this fanfic called 'Dreams Come True' my bff wrote it for me in her profile naria_2613 it's a Natt (Matt & I) one😊
A few facts:
- Cam, Cartah, Nash, and Hayes never left Magcon in this- since they left when I was halfway through the fanfic and the plot was planned.
- Magcon was cancelled over summer because the guys had so much work to get caught up to of how much they were absent in school.
Dedication to the beautiful: LG1551 dude you seem so cool! I love you ok. I'm here for you beautiful.
Alright, I love you. Comment; I love comments ayyyeee. Read you later, beautiful😘
-Nat (@erraticespinosa)

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