Telling the Truth

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TW: Mentions of suicide

Heidi's POV

I had just closed the house door behind me when my phone started to buzz. Pulling it out of my purse I saw it was Evan. Oh shit. I thought. This couldn't be good. Evan never called unless something bad happened.

"Hi sweetie. What's going on?" I asked calmly. On the inside, I was in full panic mode.

"H-Hi mom. C-Can I Come o-over l-later? I w-want t-to talk t-to you a-about s-something." Evan said. Immediately, I calmed down.

"Oh of course Evan!" I quickly looked at my watch. "Want to come over around 6? I'm making tacos!" I exclaimed.

"S-Sure! I-I'll see you l-later." He said happily. Upon hearing the click on the other end I let out a sigh. I hadn't been planning on making tacos tonight. Now I had to go to the store. Oh well. Anything for my boy that used to be in the bedroom down the hall. (Get what I did there)

*Time skip brought to you by me being emotionally unstable ever since yesterday. I'll probably be like this For Forever. Laugh through the pain*

I heard a soft knock on the door. Smiling I opened it and saw my baby boy.

"Evan!" I exclaimed as I brought him in for a hug. He tensed up, but quickly relaxed. I pulled back and gave him a once over. He wasn't wearing his usual polo and khakis. I mean, people's styles change but this was Evan. He only dressed differently if something important was happening.

Is he finally coming out to you?  I asked myself. 

"You look really fancy! What's the occasion?" I questioned. He fidgeted with the hem of his black dress shirt.

"O-Oh! Y'know. J-Just wanted t-to d-dress up for m-my mom!" He said in a high pitched voice. Liar.

After we had eaten our tacos I saw Evan was getting really fidgety. Instead of prying like a wanted to, I would let him tell me on his own.

"So, do you want to watch The Lorax? Like the good old days?" I asked him. His head snapped up from looking at his cast.

"A-Actually, I u-um. I-I w-wanted to tell y-you something. T-Two things a-actually." He admitted shyly. I was not expecting the bomb that went as about to be dropped on me.

"D-Do you k-know how I b-broke m-my arm?" Evan calmly asked me. He had stopped fidgeting and was looking at me directly in my eyes.

Confused, I said, "Of course. You told me you broke your arm by falling out of a tree."

He grimaced. "W-Well, t-that's not how i-it a-actually h-happened. I w-was i-in a r-really b-bad state o-of mind. I h-had t-these horrible, d-dark thoughts. Like, nobody w-would n-notice if you d-disappeared t-tomorrow. Or, n-no o-one cares about y-you. I-It was a-all j-just too m-much for m-me. On b-break o-one day at work and I-I d-decided I would k-kill m-myself. I t-thought, Why n-not f-fall out o-of a tree! Y-You love t-trees! S-So, I c-climbed a-a tree. I s-sat t-there w-with the sun s-shine o-on my face. I felt s-so p-peaceful. T-then it a-all came c-crashing back and I, I-I l-let g-go." Evan said.

As he told me what happened my heart broke. How could I have not noticed this? How come I didn't ask him what he was doing in that tree? When he finished, I fiercely hugged him. He held on tight and we sobbed into each other's shoulders. After a few minutes of sniffling and sobbing we stopped crying.

"Evan. Sweetie. I never knew. I'm so sorry. I must be a horrible mother for not noticing anything!" I exclaimed as my eyes watered again.

"N-No! Y-You couldn't h-help it! Y-You w-were so busy!" He told me. 

I only shook my head and said, "That's no excuse. Being a mother is my first priority, not being a nurse."

"T-There's another t-thing I w-want t-to tell y-you." Evan whispered cautiously.

"Go on. You can tell me anything." I told him.

"I-I'm bi!" He blurted. My face broke out in a smile. I hugged him again.

"I'm so happy you told me! I always thought you were bi! The bi-fi is never wrong!" I exclaimed as I pulled away.

"Bi-fi? Wait, you knew I was bi?" Evan asked. With a happy sigh I responded,

"I'm also Bi. I kinda have an intuition when people close to me aren't straight. It's weird, I know."

"O-Oh." Evan muttered. Then, he looked up at me and smiled.

"T-Thank you m-mom. I-I love y-you." He told me.

"I love you too Evan. Hey! You still wanna watch the Lorax?" I asked him. He grinned and said,

"O-Only if y-you sing a-along w-with me."

A few hours later we finished watching the movie and Evan headed home.

"I love you Evan. I'm so happy you told me." I whispered to him as we hugged one last time.

"W-Well, you s-should be t-thanking C-Connor." He said shyly.

I perked up. "Connor? Who's he? Is he your boyfriend?" I asked as I got all excited.

Evan's face turned red as he managed to spit out, "N-No m-mom! H-He's j-just a-a f-friend!"

"Yeah. Sure. I love you!" I shouted as he sprinted out of the house to his car. 

As I got ready for bed, I thought about what Evan told me over and over. I'm so proud of him, but at the same time I'm extremely concerned. I'd have to give Veronica a call.

Hi again readers! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Decided to shake it up and show you Heidi's POV. I won't be doing it often though. Just wanted to show her some love. Anyway, this chapter was sort of fluffy. Right? It's a start. Probably as much fluff as you'll get from me. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!


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