Second is the Charm

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(Samuel's POV)

"I'm going nuts. There is simply no other explanation." I stood up.

"Are you nuts? They are right over there!" Diana pointed at the window as if she could see them. But she couldn't. I was the only one who could.

And, I simply didn't care. I walked to the window. "You think you can get me, well guess what! You did it twice assholes! And, I'm still standing. So get the hell out of my sight."

They didn't leave. The blackness became even blacker if it was possible, they were salivating after me, expending their efforts to get in. I was their dessert and they were starving. I heard their nonsensible chanting, their voices were rasp like the grinding of rocks against each other. But, I couldn't make sense of their chatter. I was glad.

They didn't have that memory of possessing me. No one did.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?" Diana said, getting up from the sofa. She walked towards me and pulled me away from the window. If she only knew! I was living a nightmare, one that repeated itself over and over again. Nothing was changing.

"I don't know what to do!" I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know how to prevent it. Each time, they get in and possess us, damn it!"

"Samuel?" she said. She was confused, had no clue what I was saying. She didn't remember. I needed to think but under the circumstances that was impossible. Nothing made sense. It was as if I was expected to achieve an outcome and I was brought back to the start line when I didn't.

I looked at the shadows. By the end of this night, they would be in. The question was how?

"What time is it?" I said. Belle would be coming down soon, wearing that flimsy robe. "Look, we need to get out of here."

"Why? You're scaring me."

You should be scared Di. But, I kept my mouth shut. "Trust me, okay?" I held her hand, we needed to beat Belle. She would be descending those stairs any minute now and I would be trapped. We needed to move. Now!

I feared Diana was the key to this whole thing. She'd almost opened the window the first night. I'd kept watch and it still had happened. Perhaps, I'd dozed off and had been unaware. Was it possible that she'd gotten up with me sleeping and invited them in? Totally. Absolutely. My reflexes were slow, my instincts were dead. The human body was utterly useless. How did one do anything with no powers whatsoever? I didn't know. And, on the second night, I hadn't been with her. I'd totally screwed up.

I had to make sure she didn't open the window today. I would not sleep.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"To your room. The second door upstairs. That's a guest room. C'mon lets hurry." I had been there at least once, but she didn't know that. Was Belle coming? Were we already late? I tried to hear the footsteps but the damn ears were useless. I envied Di for her perfect hearing. Belle was turning out to be the new stress of my life, and only then came the shadows. I was being punished for my once obsession for Belle. The Gods certainly had no mercy. They knew how to execute justice, they attacked with the perfect precision. I didn't want Belle anymore, but I also didn't want to hurt her. I would gladly hand her back to Keith if only he was alive in this reality. Damn! But, they had made that impossible, too.

I was losing it.

I held her hand and ran towards the stairs. The pecan brown of the stairs was too familiar by now and I ran towards it like a savior. "Do you hear anything, see anyone?" I whispered even as I was taking the steps like I was in a race.

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