Chapter 3- The First Letter (part 1)

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It takes over an hour of pacing in Emi's room to finally decide whether she'd go. Colia isn't sure what she will say but visiting Augustus seems like the right thing to do. After all, she'd practically destroyed his ankle. No matter how rude he can be, he doesn't deserve the pain she'd put him through. No one deserves pain, no matter how evil. 

The healing wing is dark and silent, and Colia almost believes it's empty. She squints her eyes, trying to make out shapes but eventually twists around in defeat. So much for trying. That's when someone clears their throat. "And here I thought you'd come to apologize," says Augustus from the shadows.

"Where are you?" There are no windows to let in the noon daylight nor any other visible light source. Augustus is sitting alone in the dark somewhere. His voice echoes from all around.

"Why should I tell you? Aren't you the one who splintered the wood from beneath my feet." His voice holds a hint of humor, and Colia is bewildered. He's in a healing wing because of her. It's impossible he could find this funny.

"It was an accident!" Colia says, exasperated. "I came here yesterday. How am I supposed to control my magic?" The words feel weird coming out of her mouth. Her mind keeps trying to convince her that magic is impossible, a figment of the imagination.

"I rest my case." 

"You're making it extremely hard to say sorry," she whines. There are many confusing things going on right now, but Augustus might be number one. He's ranked above magic.

"Then, don't. I really don't care, Colia." She can't pinpoint the direction of his voice. 

"I hurt you badly and you don't care?" 

"I don't," Augustus repeats, "and I wasn't hurt badly. I'm fine now. The medic fixed me up nicely." Healing magic, of course. Colia hadn't thought of the possibility. "Anyway, I should be apologizing."

Augustus's unexpected kindness puts Colia on edge. She doesn't trust him. "Why?"

"Well, because I was treating you unfair-"

"Obviously," Colia snorts. "I meant why are you being nice to me now?" She has a valid reason for being suspicious. You have to be wary of two-faced people.

There's silence for a few seconds. "I realized I was being harsh. I shouldn't have forced the whole Burn/Storm situation on you so early. It wasn't right."

"It wasn't," Colia agrees, "but I'll need to see your face to believe you. Turn on the lights."

He sighs ever so quietly but loud enough for Colia to hear. "Fine."

A click sounds in the air and light floods Colia's eyes, blinding her momentarily. Once her eyes focus, she spots Augustus lying on a white hospital bed across the large room, his hands behind his head in a carefree position even with his leg is in a bulky grey cast. When he sees her, he sits up. "I'm sorry," he says with sincerity in his eyes. "I of all people would know what it's like to be left by someone. It's understandable for you to be mad at your father, and I shouldn't have gotten myself involved."

"I forgive you," Colia answers, trying to hide a smile, but she wonders what he means. "And I'm sorry for injuring you."

"I forgive you," August nods, smiling as well. It looked good on him, Colia notices. "I'll only need this cast for another day."

"Oh, phew!" Colia was seriously considering the possibilities of his leg healing incorrectly. She thought he might be permanently injured. Now, she's filled with relief. "It was great talking to you, Augustus, but I should get going now."

"Yes, you should. Goodbye, Colia."

"Bye." She's almost to the door when she remembers something. "Wait, I have one more question for you."

"Go ahead." He draws his eyebrows together curiously.

"Why were you alone in the dark?" she laughs.

"Oh, that..." he says sheepishly. "I just like the dark?"



"Okay." She knows he's lying but doesn't push it. Everyone has secrets. 

On her way back to Emi's room, through the maze of hallways, an envelope flies front of Colia's face. She catches it and flips it over. "Colia" it reads on the front. That's all it says, no address. Tearing, the envelope open, a piece of folded white paper falls along with a flat black disk. She puts the disk in her back pocket in order to straighten the letter.

You are the bridge of the magical world, Colia. Help me unite either side. Go to the bridge on Eastern River at eight tonight. Bring the Novaly. You'll see why. -AB

She takes the disk out and rubs her thumb on it. "Novaly," she repeats before tucking both objects away again. She treks the rest of the way up eight flights of stairs to Emi's room and knocks on the door. "Emi, you're going to want to see this," she calls.

The doorknob turns as Emi lets her in. "What is it?" she asks. Colia hands Emi the letter, prepared to explain what happened. However, as Emi's fingers glide over the paper, it starts to crumble, turning into dust right in her hand. The particles float away, making it appear that there never was a piece of paper and leaving Colia's face in an expression of shock. 

Stormwood: The Descendant (book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora