Poem #59

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"Right now
My life is just a web of lies
Strung together by fake smiles and "I'm fine(s)"
And I'm trapped
Stuck in my own deadly web
And no I'm not paralyzed, I'm just done trying to break free
I'm done fighting
But somehow, in some miraculous way
My heart still beats on
For you it continues
I can hear it when I'm laying in bed at night, it's like thunder in my ears
And I can feel it bounce around when you say my name
The blood on my body
And the cracks in my mask
All seem to go away when you're near
I don't know how it's possible to want to live and die at that same time
To be as sad as me but want to make you as happy as the moon is when the sun gets to breathe again
And I told my self
I freaking told myself that I wouldn't let you be this important to me
That you wouldn't get so close to my demons you'd know there names
And I tried to tell myself that I wouldn't need you
But I guess I lied
Cause when I die;
I'll miss you the most."
-Your very own broken girl💜

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