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Instead of identifying yourself as a body, identify yourself as a soul, a subtle (non-physical) star without any physical form and dimensions, a point source of light energy and consciousness. Whatever you do or say, it is you, the soul, who is performing that action through the body. The soul is like a driver and the body is the car. To be in complete control, the driver has to sit in the place where he has access to the controls and also can collect all the necessary information to make decisions. The soul is located in the centre of the forehead in the brain.

The soul has basic, peaceful, positive qualities – peace, love, joy, power, purity, knowledge and bliss. In meditation create an awareness of yourself as a soul. This naturally leads to an experience of these peaceful, positive qualities. This is what is called 'soul-consciousness'. It is not just something to experience while in meditation alone, but also as we perform actions.

Understanding The True Self And The False Self:

Meditation is an attempt to find the true self. It is this self which holds the identity of what I am, an identity which, when realized, gives fulfillment and direction to our life.
This is what we call the consciousness of 'I am', which emerges in meditation when there is concentration on the present and we focus on the now of 'I am', rather than the past, or the future (‘I was', or 'I will be').

To remind us of this state, we use the word 'OM', which means 'I am a soul', the spiritual identity that acts as a key to human consciousness. As we find and realize the true self through meditation, we become aware of the false self and how deeply embedded it is in our lives, both in our way of thinking and being.When we understand this illusory (false) self then we can begin the process of dissolving its negative effects on the original or true self.

The illusory (false) self is made up of desires that, even when fulfilled, fail to add value, or a sense of worth to the self. In fact, quite the opposite process happens. Let us examine some of these illusions and how they give us a mistaken sense of value.

Illusion (False emotion): Ego
Thought: I know, I am
Result: Arrogance, inflexibility, controlling others

Illusion (False emotion): AngerThought: I expect
Result: Force, aggression

Illusion (False emotion): AttachmentThought: I own, It's mine
Result: Insecurity, possessiveness, jealousy

Illusion (False emotion): Greed
Thought: I want, I need
Result: Emptiness, wanting, dissatisfaction

Illusion (False emotion): Lust
Thought: I desire
Result: Exploitation, misuse, emotional dependence

These are the five fires that burn away the quality of human life: uncontrolled emotions that once, in their original pure state, gave happiness and peace to the individual but now create only emptiness and sorrow.

Experience and visualize this simple meditation:

“I am a soul... a tiny star... like the Supreme Soul, Supreme Being...radiating my original qualities... I become so small...

so detached from the name and form of the body...

and those associated with that name and form... just a soul...

so concentrated...I travel with the power of thought to my incorporeal (non-physical) home – “paramdham”, “shantidham”…

I am now in front of the Supreme Father... the Highest of Highest... in the soft golden red light of this Highest
Home…receiving... receiving... and through me, His spiritual light is spreading to all souls, which shine like stars on the worldglobe below …”

Serving the World Through Meditation:

By entering into meditative-consciousness, the soul is able to serve the whole world. Physical charity is limited to the physical plane. We can only be in one place at any one time and only with a few others, whom we serve. When the soul enters the consciousness of its original state, it is free and it can become a channel (medium) for God's qualities to flow to all others. In this state I am instantly in contact with all others because on this level, there are no physical divisions like distance etc. My thoughts and vibrations (mental energy waves) of peace, bliss and love can reach out and serve all at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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