Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Carls POV

I watched as Lilian's body fell to the cold hard ground. Tears swelled into my eyes. I then turned to Britney. I pushed her off of the edge of the watch tower.

I knelt down infront of Lilian's pale body. I started shaking her. "WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!" I yelled

Daryl and dad came up. They took lilian and took her to Hershel. I ran blood stained my clothes. I saw Kody crying. I went over and picked him up.

I hugged him as he cried. I felt bad. I wasn't there when he was growing up. I need to repay him and lilian. I never want to meet another girl.

I just want Lilian.


Lilian's POV


I was running in the woods. My blonde hair braided to my mid back. The wind helping me guide my way back to the prison. Once I got there it wasn't the prison.

I saw my aunt and others. Lori, Andrea, Amy, T-Dog, Dale, Sophia, Shane, Lori and others. I looked down. I had been friends with Sophia back in elementary school.

I went over to my aunt. She reached her arms to me. I slowly hugged her. "Lilian, whatever you do you must forgive Carl for everything he's done in his past. He didn't mean to kiss that girl. She made him." She said softly.

I nodded softly and kissed her fragile face. I looked down. I went over to Lori. She smiled a smile that looked like Carls and Judith's. I smiled back at her.

"I know what Carl did was stupid but he really loves you. When you left he wasn't the same. I'm glad your back in his life. Kody needs a father figure." She said and hugged me.

I hugged her back. She was like a second mother to me. I then waved goodbye to the others. I gave them all a small smile.

I then saw a bright light. I heard screaming. I knew I was back in the real world.


I love you forever. (A carl grimes love story)Where stories live. Discover now