In which it all tumbles down..

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No one spoke for a while. They all kind of just avoided each other's eyes, unable to stand seeing anyone else's face for more than a split second.

Nico thought Dear God, now they all know. How can I ever face them again?

Piper, Rachel and Frank were all thinking along the lines of That poor kid, having to go through this alone.

Jason wasn't really thinking much of anything, and was making more of a low growling noise in his throat. Percy and Reyna were in the same situation, making wolf eyes at the door as if by staring at it hard enough they could protect Nico from whatever lay behind it.

Hazel's hand rested on his back protectively, and he sank into the tiny touch with closed eyes, a sad insecure smile on his face. He let her guide him until they all ended up in their common room, and he saw that they had all been following Leo. Speaking of Leo, what was his deal? Why would he stand up for Nico like that? It didn't make sense.

Leo sunk into the couch and sighed, fishing under the cushions and pulling up a bottle with an exclamation of relief. Jason frowned. "No alcohol, Leo."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Relax, mister uptight Roman Centurion. It's just juice." He held it out to the uncertain bunch. "Any particular reason you're still standing around?" They all sat on the various chairs and floor quickly, and Nico wondered when Leo had become the leader.

Jason, Percy, Reyna, and even Frank were all too preoccupied with their thoughts to realize that sometimes, especially when something as personal as what they experienced happens, their group needed a leader.

He was secretly really, really glad Leo knew enough to step up to the plate. He was trying to make them forget with jokes and drinks, and if was working. They all took sips of the juice, and Nico had to admit it was some of the best he'd ever tasted.

Leo looked at him with raised eyebrows and smiled. "It's good, yeah? Got it from Mr. D."

Annabeth clucked her tongue. "What did you have to do to get it?"

Leo just shrugged. "I fixed his clock. Nothing big."

Percy wiped his mouth and swallowed deeply. "I think we need to do something else to get our minds off of Mrs. Dodds. How about truth or dare?"

Everyone laughed at the totally Percyish way to avoid awkward situations, but Nico stood up and stretched. "If you don't mind, I'll be going back to my room," he said.

Hazel looked like she wanted to protest, but she figured that he needed space after the days events. He left them to play their game and shut the door quietly behind him. Sitting down on his bed, he picked up his camera and began shifting through the old familiar pictures, smiling faintly.

There he was, ten years old and so happy to be included in Bianca's group of friends that he was jumping up and down, Mythomagic cards raining down on them all. He stroked her face in the picture, looking at her warm olive eyes that still somehow managed to tell him "It's okay, Nico. I'm here."

"I miss you, Bianca," he choked out. "I miss you so much."

He put the photographs in a box beneath his bed and made sure the pictures of her grave were still in his pocket. Suddenly, the door opened and Leo came in, sheepishly grinning.
Nico hastily readjusted his jacket.

"Can I stay in here for a while? They won't stop talking about 'man crush Mondays' or something," Leo said.

Nico nodded and looked away. "Thanks," he said quietly.

Leo looked up. "For what?" he asked, although his tone suggested he knew exactly what.

Nico grimaced. "For setting the projector on fire and stuff. That was nice of you." Leo shrugged and laughed before tossing a screw at Nico jokingly.

We've all got bruises. (Leico)Where stories live. Discover now