why jonathan walker should be your unproblematic fave

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- a talented fuck

- gets… so little credit even if he wrote at least 35% of pretty odd

- posts like a dad on instagram

- him and cassie are fuckin goals

- #1 ryden stan

- really misses patd

- was tai’s cameraman + guitar tech

- pretended to be emo in 2004 for the sake of his bandmates

- “i tried to write a song without any words // obviously you can see how well i did” (yes. those are actual lyrics.)

- such a nice singing voice??

- nearly drowned because mike carden dared him to swim all the way across a big ass lake

- appears once every three moons to tweet about ryden/some anniversary all his exbandmates are ignoring

- puts his music for free on bandcamp???????

- flip flops

- never once paid for weed

- ????

- a pretty boy

- literally unproblematic????

- i love jon walker???????????

- please listen to his music and support him thank you for your time

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