Chapter 6: Hello Again

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The next morning...

I wake up to the smell of bacon. I sit up and see that I was on the couch with a blanket over me, I get up keeping the blanket covering me, and I make my way to the kitchen. I see Presley, Tiara, and Jaime all sitting at the island.

"Um, Hi", I say

They turn and Presley starts laughing.

"Girl", She laughs

"Why are you guys here?", I asked

"We were bored so we came to bother you guys", Tiara says

Bruno turns from the stove. "In other words they let themselves in", He sighs

"Why is it when we come here you guys are either fucking or you just finished?", Presley asks

"Because my lovely sister in laws don't call", I say

They laugh.

I noticed Jaime was feeding Leilani so I went up stairs to put on some actual clothes. I found some leggings and a tank top, I looked in the mirror and you can clearly see my baby bump now, and I smiled at the though of having another baby.

As I walk down the stairs to join everyone else I heard the doorbell ring, I see Stacey go to the door, and so I continue my way towards the kitchen.

"I don't think Bruno and Bella would like you here", I hear Stacey say

I turn around and walked towards the door to see who it was.

"Stacey who is it?", I asked

She then turned her body so I can see who was at the door.

"Why the fuck are you here?", I snarled

"Now, Bella my son is right here and he needs to meet his father", Jessica says and motions towards her sleeping son in the stroller

"Jessica you need to leave", I say

"and if I don't?", she snarls

"Remember the last time I whopped your fucking ass don't make me do it again", I warned

I hear fast footsteps and Bruno was in between making sure I wouldn't punch this bitch in the face.

"Jessica why are you here?", Bruno asks

"Your son-"

"we don't even know if he is even my son", He says

"Exactly", I added

"Babe go sit down please", Bruno says

"No, I will not leave this is my house too", I argued

"Bitch since when"

"Since I accepted this ring on my finger bitch", I growled

"Bella, go inside", Bruno says again

I ignored him. "So why you bring this child here to brag or something?", I say

"No, bitch I don't need to brag to have a baby"

"awe and here it comes"


I become silent. I looked from him and to her. I turned and went inside towards the kitchen where his sisters were.

"who is that?", Jaime asks as I sit down with Presley

"Jessica", I murmered

I begin to feel heat rise up to my chest then the tears just let out.

"Oh, Bella honey what is the matter?", Tiara asks

"he yelled at me and letting her into our home", I sniffed

"wait, is she in the house?", Presley asks and stood up

I shrugged my shoulders. Presley then gets up and leaves the kitchen, I stood up, and took Leilani from her high chair.

"I am just going to change her", I say

Tiara and Jaime nodded. I walked up the stairs to Leilani's room, I laid her on the changing table, and begin to do the changing process. But, as always as soon as I took her diaper off she began to cry...loudly.

"Leilani", I cooed

I begin to change he as fast as I can which was hard because she was kicking her feet.

"fuck me", I sighed

I finally put the new diaper on and put her onesie back on. I picked her up and began to lightly bounce her to calm her down. Which was hard because being pregnant and bouncing a one year old can tire me out quicker than not being pregnant.

Once she quieted I heard shouting coming from downstairs. I went downstairs quickly but carefully so my clumsy ass wouldn't trip. I put Leilani in her play pin and went to see what was going on. I go to the living room to see Jessica and Presley arguing, Bruno standing between them, and Tiara and Jaime were sitting on the couch watching everything unfold.

"Listen here bitch the baby is not Bruno's", Presley yells

"How do you know where you there when him and I had sex?", Jessica asks

"Bitch who wants to fuck you and have a baby with you?", Presley snaps

"obviously your fucking brother", she says

"I don't understand just leave him alone", she spits

"I leave him alone as soon as he leaves that cow over there who is fat as shit and pregnant with another dudes baby", Jessica says and stares at me

That was when shit hit the fan.

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