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Winter Light is one of the most nonchalant and nicest people you'll ever meet.

Hiro Shima is a shy and anti social kid who just so happens to have a thing for the wavy haired girl in his history class.

He's been trying to get the courage to ask her out for weeks, but this time it would be different. He'd actually not give up and walk away as usual.

Trying to think of how he could do this without looking like an complete idiot was kind of complicated.

He didn't pay attention in most of his classes like any other day as he would. Which got him into some trouble, but no harm done.

He had went over he's best friend's house, trying to get some advice on how to do this.

"What should I do, Peter? I mean, why would she want to go on a date with me anyway." Hiro said casting his head down in shame.

"Don't say that buddy, any girl would be lucky to be with you."

"You mean it?"

"Of coarse, you're loyal and kind hearted. We just need to work on your confidence, is all. Now I want you to go to the mirror, look yourself straight in the eyes, and say 'I believe in my self'. I promise it will make you feel better."

So the brunette did just that. He looked at him self in the mirror and repeated the words over and over again. Surprisingly it kinda helped him, knowing that he believed in him self.

So the next day he decided he would ask her out.

Seeing her getting ready for history like every 3rd hour.

"Um... Hey, Winter." He said in a whispering tone and chanting the words his friend gave him in his head.

"Oh, hi Hiro. What's up?" She replied smiling her charming smile. Hiro almost melted.

"I-I was wondering if you would like to..." He couldn't bring himself to say the rest.

"Like to what?" Winter asked curiously.

"Like to um... go get a coffee at Anne's Café after school."

"Oh, of course." Winter agreed beaming.

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