Chapter 3

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*Your POV*

The day's finally over and I drive back home. I unlock my door and go to my kitchen for something to eat. I open the cupboard and see that there's no food. Ugh, I forgot that I have to go shopping. I get back into my car and drive to the grocery store. I get some food and pay for it. I also remember that I still need a job. Living alone is hard. I drive to Pop's. I guess I could use something to eat, and I like that place, anyway.

I walk in and go to the counter. "Hey, Pop, do you need any help? I could use a job."

"Well, I'm afraid not at the moment, but I will definitely tell you if something happens." Pop says.

"Okay, thank you." I pause for a second, "I'll have a chocolate milkshake, please."

"Coming right up."

I turn around and see Jughead sitting in a booth. I go over to him. "Hey."

He looks up at me. "Oh, hey (Y/N)."

"Mind..if I sit?" I ask.

"Go ahead," he motions to the seat in front of him.

I sit down and pull my laptop out, "What are you working on?"

"My novel. It's about Jason Blossom."

I give him a confused look. "Who's that?"

"He was a student here. One of the richest. He had a twin," relevant, "but, he died on July 4th."

"Oh, I'm really sorry." I never really know what to say about people dying. But, I mean who does?

He shrugs. "It's fine. It's not your fault." Well duh, I wasn't here, "I didn't even know him that well, either."

"Why are you writing about him them?"

He shrugs, again. "Gives me something to write about I guess."


"So, you're a photographer?" he asks. Pop comes over and gives me my milkshake.

"Thanks," I tell him, then look back at Jughead. I'm blushing just a little bit..Dammit, why do I do this? "Well..yeah, I guess. Like I said, it's kind of a hobby."

"Your photos were really good when Betty looked at them this morning."

"Thanks." I take a sip of my milkshake. He goes back to typing and I start typing for some homework.

He sighs, and I look up. He's leaning on his fist.

"Writer's block?" I ask.

"Unfortunately," he says.

"Maybe I could help you? Tell me what you have," I say.

He sighs, "Alright."


A couple hours pass, and I'm sitting next to Jughead, helping him write his novel.

"Oh, you should put that sentence before that one, so it's like you're telling the information before saying the actual fact." (idek okay? I'm sorrrry 😂)

He smiles and nods his head, "Great, idea." He does what I told him and I smile. I get really tired and end up falling asleep on his shoulder.

*Jughead's POV*

I keep typing, and I feel (Y/N) on my shoulder, asleep. I look over at her and chuckle. I check the time and it's around 10:30. I finish up a final paragraph and close my laptop. She wakes up, and looks embarrassed.

"Oh, my God I cannot believe I fell asleep." She leans against her hands on the table and laughs.

I smile, "It's okay, you were tired of watching me write."

"No, no, that's not it." She leans against my arm and I laugh. She sits back up and checks her phone. "Ugh, it's late. I should get going."

"Yeah, I should, too."

She stands up and grabs her bag. "Oh, can I get your number? You know, in case you need any more help with writing?"

"Sure," I say. She hands me her phone and I put my number in. "Just, text me saying it's you whenever," I say, mocking her from this morning.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." She smiles, "Sure thing. See you tomorrow." She walks out the door and gets in her car. I get my bag and walk out, too.

*Your POV*

I get to my apartment and throw my bag on the couch. I yawn and fall on my bed immediately fall asleep.

Word Count: 690

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