III. Mega Man

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It was a while before anyone came back to the base. I was left there alone with nothing to do but worry. I saw on a beanbag next to Rush, who laid next to me and whined.

"Don't worry, Rush," I said. "Sonic'll be okay."

I was starting to wonder if I actually believed that myself.

The minutes ticked by, and I just felt so useless. I thought about going into the city a few times, but Sally had seemed serious. After what had happened earlier that day, I decided that I didn't want to put more stress on the city.

By the middle of the day, Rotor, Antoine, and Bunnie came back. They didn't have smiles on their faces, and Antoine looked even more skittish than before.

Bunnie sat on the couch, putting her face in her hands. Antoine sat next to her, putting an arm around her. Rotor leaned against a wall and sighed. "This is a disaster."

"What will happen to everyone around the world?" I asked.

"We cannot let them know what has happened," Antoine answered. "At least while there is still chance for recovery."

"If the world learns," Rotor added, rubbing his head. "Everything will only get worse. There will be constant security at the hospital, but rumors tend to find a way."

"Will the world even keep fighting?" I asked.

"Probably not," Rotor said. "I mean, some people will. Organizations like G.U.N. and people like Shadow will keep on going, but without hope, people lose the will to fight."

"Things will be difficult until he wakes up," Bunnie sighed. "Let's not forget that tha doctor is comin' back in just a week."

"He is hoping that we will just give up," Antoine said. "But we will never stop fighting, no matter what he manages."

"Are you sure?" I asked grimly. "I don't mean to be so negative, but... do we stand much of a chance?"

"We may be only second to Sonic," Bunnie said, "but we aren't to be messed with. Don't you count us out just yet."

"This is quite the blow, though," Rotor said. "It discourages all of us, but we have a city we can't let down. It doesn't help that all our coms are down. We can't get in touch with anyone."

"Sounds like Eggman," I guessed.

"Nicole's on the job, but if others can't get their systems fixed, we can't contact them. And we need help if Sonic's down and Eggman will be here in a week."

"Someone you need me to get?" I suggested. "It would beat sitting around here doing nothing. Rush can go pretty fast."

Rotor looked thoughtful for a moment. "We were thinking about asking Shadow for help, but we don't have someone fast like Sonic to get to the city or a way to communicate with them."

"I wouldn't say I could get there fast," I said. "But I'm expendable."

"I don't think any of us would say that," Rotor chuckled. "We'll see what Sally says when she gets back."

"How's Tails?" I asked. "He seemed pretty... lost."

"It would be like if the older brother you looked up to suddenly fell in battle," Rotor said. "They depend on each other."

Unfortunately, I couldn't relate to that as much as I wanted to. Sure, I had Blues, but he wasn't someone I could really admire. I was grateful that he had helped so much, but... he wasn't much of a friend.

Antoine sighed. "I do not wish to think what would happen to Tails if Sonic didn't make it."

"Could ya'll be more negative?" Bunnie chuckled. "Ya'll underestimate him. He's come through in times we didn't expect."

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