Chapter 52

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*Archie's POV*
I get in bed and just stare at the ceiling.

"So the worm turns. Mary and Fred. A possible rekindling?" Jug looks up at me.

"That would've been Lil' Archie's pipe dream." I say.

"Stranger things have happened. Like for instance," he sits up, "my dad shaved. Which is basically the equivalence to tectonic plate shifting. And..I was thinking, maybe it's time that I go back and live with him."

I sit up, "Based on the fact that he shaved?"

"He hasn't missed a day of work. And he's cleaned the place up, stop drinking. He's gotten better."

"I don't know, you might wanna wait for that to stick."

"No, something's changed. I don't know what, but...he actually wanted to read my novel."

"About Jason?"


"Your dad did?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Even better, he actually engaged with it. Asked questions."

I give him a weird look, "What kind of questions?"

"Like, who I thought did it."

"Your dad asked you about who killed Jason Blossom?"

"You know, you repeating everything that I say, is getting kind of annoying." He laughs and lays back down.

"Oh, crap, I forgot that, my mom likes almond milk in her coffee and we don't have any so.." I start putting my clothes on.

"Wow you're a terrible liar, Archie. Off to a late-night rendezvous with a certain raven-haired princess?" I look over at him, "Oh, relax man. I'm just giving you a hard time."

I get up and walk out. I run to Veronica's apartment and knock on the door.

She answers, "Archie.." she lets me in and then closes the door, "If this is a booty call?"

"Look, I've been thinking about what you've asked me, and I wanna help you." I say.

"And what changed your mind?"

"Jughead. He's been let down too many times by his dad, and I don't want to make this another one. And what if FP did help your dad?"

"That's what I'm saying. 'What if?'"

"Jug told me that he went to his dad and he started asking questions about his novel. Like, 'Who killed Jason Blossom.'"

"Yeah, Okay so we have to search his trailer the night of the dance when Jug's at dinner with Betty."

"Yeah. And we certainly can't tell Jug."

"Or (Y/N)."

Word Count: 388

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