Chapter Nine: You Sure?

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Above is a picture of Natalie's car:)


"Honestly speaking, I think she's going to be a great mother." Suzette admitted before taking a sip of coffee.

"That's if she's even pregnant." Kathryn deadpanned.

"She is! Why would she fake it?" Suzette said.

"Attention, obviously. The Kardashians have been known for  that." Kathryn said matter-of-factly.

I laughed slightly at their little rant. We were on our  coffee break and I was sitting on one of the two stools by the coffee machine, Kathryn sat on the other and Suzette was standing and leaning on the granite counter. I asked Lenicia to join us but she said she had a lot of work to do.

"Who's the father anyway?" I piped in.

"They say it's Travis Scott." Kathryn said in disbelief.

"Yeah. I was kind of disappointed to hear it wasn't Tyga's. They would have made a cute baby."

"Suzette, we're not even certain if she's pregnant or not."

"You never know. I bet the child is going to live a happy life." She received an eye roll from Kathryn who added "IF she's pregnant."

"Even if she is, she can't possibly have the skills to raise a baby, with a rapper too. I mean, the girl hasn't even had her period! How old is she? 19? 20?" Kathy debated.

Kathryn had a deep dislike for the Kardashians and I never understood why. The way her and Suzette debated about stuff, they deserved their own talk show.

"She built an empire in a time span of, like, three years and has one of the leading cosmetic brands in the world. If she can do that, I think she won't have trouble raising a child." Suzette basically snapped. Talk about being a mega-fan.

"Hun, believe what you want to believe. Only time will tell, I guess." Kathryn hummed. She cocked her head up and gestured for me to look.

I turned around and saw a young man with a navy blue t-shirt and baige pants. He had a clipboard and a box placed on the rounded table. I stood up and went to him, going around the big desk.

"Hello." I said. He took the clipboard and a pen from his pocket.

"Hi, delivery for Ms.Méy." He tapped the box twice and I looked at it. It was a gift.

"Kathryn!" I called her. "There's a delivery for you."

Her eyebrows furrowed but she came over and the man gave her the box.

"Please sign here and here." He told her and she did. "Thanks." And he went on his way.

"Who is it from?" I asked, rather eagerly.

"I don't know, it doesn't say." She slowly untied the gold ribbon and opened it.

She reached inside and pulled out what looked to be fabric. She pulled it out completely and I noted that it was a dress. A black dress with crystal embroidery on the chest area.

"A...dress?" She questioned, looking at it. Then my gaze landed on the box and there was something inside.

"There's a card." I pointed.

She placed the dress gently on the table and took the card.

"Hey, sorry about that incident the other day, again. I got you this to make it up to you. Hope you like it." She read aloud before pausing. "From, Marc." She sounded surprised.

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