The Mall

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"Yeah, lets go downstairs." Corbyn replied, getting off of me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me down to the guys.

"Have fun?" Zach pouted.

"Not too much fun." I raised my finger in protest.

"I'm going on a run." Jack yelled throughout the house.

"Take someone with you." Jonah yelled back at him.

"I'll go!" Corbyn set me down on a chair behind the kitchen counter and went to meet Jack.

"We'll be 30 minutes." Jack informed everyone before he and Corbyn slipped out of the house.

"Soooo, Cass." Zach wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"I've had enough for today." I sighed as Daniel put a plate of food in front of me.

"What about me?" Daniel asked.

"I've had enough for today." I repeated, taking a bite of bacon.

"What if we went to the mall?" Zach asked.

"The three of us?" I questioned.

"Well, we are the only two who haven't been able to mark you yet."  Daniel whined.

"As long as one of you pays, I'm down." I shrugged. 

"Yes! We will leave in twenty!" Zach shouted as he and Daniel went to their rooms to get ready. Once I finished eating I got ready as well. I was almost finished when there was a knock on my door.

"Are you decent?" Daniel asked before opening the door. I chuckled slightly before answering.

"I'm fine. You are such a gentleman." I smiled at him as he came in.

"Why thank you. Are you almost ready?" He asked. I took a final look at myself in the mirror before turning towards the door.

"All good to go." I confirmed. We walked down the stairs and met Zach at the door. This is the first time I have actually been out of the house since the boys took me in. Well, besides running off to Logans but that was different. Zach let me sit shotgun while Daniel drove. We blasted music and basically shouted the lyrics the whole way there. When we finally reached the mall, it was really busy. We finally found a parking spot and walked in to go and shop.

"So, what store do you want to go to first?" Zach asked as we walked.

"Umm, Forever 21?" I suggested.

"Sure." Daniel agreed and we made our way there. Once inside I went to look at tops. 

"I like this one." Zach smirked while holding up a very cropped sleeveless crop top with one too many cut outs. My eyes widened as I stared at Daniel like he was insane. 

"Aw heck to the no." I stated before turning my attention back to the rack in front of me. Daniel chuckled and put the 'shirt' back. I ended up getting three new shirts and a new pair of black jeans. Daniel paid and we where off to a new store.

"Lets go to a shoe shop." Daniel suggested.

"Vans?" Zach asked.

"Vans are cool." I stated.

"Good, if you didn't like Vans we would be experiencing problems." Daniel said causing us all to laugh. While in the Vans store I found three cute pairs of shoes. We bought them and made our way to the food court. We all got SubWay and found an empty table to eat at. 

"So, where should we go after this?" Daniel asked, trying to make a conversation.

"Is there a directory I could look at? I don't know what all is here." I asked. I can't really say where I want to go if I don't know what my options are.

"There is one over there. We could look at it after we eat." Zach said as he pointed behind me. I turned in my chair to see where the directory was. As my eyes scanned the mall, they locked with someone elses I never thought I would see again. Fear instantly went through my body. It took everything in me to take my eyes off of the person.

"Y-you know what, I'm t-tired. We should just g-go home." I stuttered, trying to make up an excuse to get the heck out of there.

"Is everything ok?" Daniel asked. 

"Y-yeah. We should just go home, like right now." I stated as I got out of my chair and threw away my half eaten sub. I lost my appetite anyways. I shook my hands at my sides, trying to wring out my nerves but it didn't work. I rushed out the mall doors and to the car, not caring if Daniel and Zach where following me or not. When I finally reached the car the boys where right behind me.

"Cass, are you sure you're ok?" Zach asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Just, please take me home." I asked, not wanting to talk about it. They nodded and Daniel started the car. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. This has to be a dream. After a while, I felt the car come to a stop and Daniel poked me on the back.

"We're home. Do you want me to carry you?" He asked. I lazily nodded my head yes and slowly sat up in my seat. Daniel got out of the car and opened my door. He unbuckled my seat belt and lifted me out of the vehicle. I wrapped my legs around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'm going to lay you on the couch, ok?" He asked, his voice a calming whisper. I hummed in response as Zach opened the door for us. Daniel sat on the couch with me still on him and laid back.

"I could use a nap too." He stated. 

"Hun, I know you are worried about this but Logan will do it. Remember the deal we made? He loves his family more than anything." My Dad told my Mom in his office. I was supposed to be asleep in my room but came down to get a glass of water and heard them talking.

"You know good and well that if I have to be around her for one more day I'll suck her dry myself." My mother harshly stated. At the time I wondered who they where talking about. Now though, I know it was me my 'mother' was referring to.

"I know. I don't like her either, none of us do." His voice sounded very harsh as well. 

"I hope she watched her parents die right in front of her." My mother sneered.

"We are doing the world a favor by getting rid of that nasty species." She added.

"Do you think we could ask Logan if we could just kill her instead? I would love to beat her up." My Dad sounded hopeful.

"As much as I would love to, Logan needs to suffer too." My mother added. I made my way to the kitchen and chose to ignore my parents conversation. I must admit it scared me, I wondered what someone had to do to deserve that much hatred. I didn't make it to the kitchen without receiving my brother and his friends usual nasty comments. They always knew how to get under my skin. I ran back to my room before having the chance to get any water and sobbed myself to sleep.




Who do y'all think Cassidy saw that put her so on edge? What are the boys going to do about it? Thank you guys so much for reading! Have a great day :) -Ivey <3

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