Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Lilian's POV

After my dream was over I started to feel pain. It hurt too much. I slowly began to wake up. I winced once my eyes fluttered open. Kody and Carl were asleep in the corner hugging each other.

Hershel came in with pain killers. He gave me some. I took them slowly. I got up and sighed. I went to the bathroom.

I washed my face and sighed which only made me winced. I went back to the room. Kody and Carl were now away.

"Oh you guys are away." I whispered softly. Kody and Carl smiled at me when they knew I was awake.

I laid back down. "How you feeling?" Carl whispered. I nodded to say I'm fine. I soon began to feel the prison shake.


Carls POV

I felt the prison shake. I knew it wasn't the governor because he's dead. I got up and told Kody to stay with Lilian.

I went outside to see what it was. I saw the governors old group. My blue eyes widened. I ran back inside. "Pack stuff!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs for everyone to hear.

I heard gunshots. The windows shattered. The building shook. I grabbed stuff. I saw lilian help me. I pulled her face towards me. I kissed her softly on the lips.

She kissed back softly. She slowly began to smile. Then I felt someone come into the room. Daryl. "Hurry!!" Daryl yelled.

We all began to run and get into cars. We drove for a while. Kody was up front asleep. We stopped for a break. Everyone was asleep but lilian and I.


Lilian's POV

Carl and I were the only ones awake. I looked down but felt him pull my chin up softly. He smiled softly. I kissed his lips softly.

Things got heated up but I wanted to make sure Kody was asleep. I knew what Carl did was wrong but I kissed him too much. I felt his warm hands move up my back.

We soon started making out. Making out turned into something else. After that we fell asleep in each other's arms and had out arms around each other.

For once I felt safe. We were all sleeping peacefully. Daryl knocked on the door and started the car. The break was over. I kept sleeping next to Carl.

*Next day*

Carls POV

I let lilian sleep as I play with Kody. It was nice to have them back in my life. I watched as Lilian got up. Maggie had made breakfast. We were now in a house but some of us slept in the cars.

Lilian smiled and thanked Maggie. She sat down beside me and ate. I knew something different. "You okay?" I whispered to her.

She shook her head. "I feel sick." She mumbled. I realized we didn't use protection. I face palmed myself. "Shit." I mumbled.

Walkers started to come. I didn't notice until Kody started screaming. A walker had but him in the neck. Both Lilian and I started screaming and crying.

I missed everything in my sons life and now he's dead. It's all my fault everything is. I knelt down beside his lifeless body and cried. I hate what I did 6 years.

I love you forever. (A carl grimes love story)Where stories live. Discover now