*The Choice*

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   Oh my god! Oh my god! Mom! I got into Hesling University!" Alex gasped. The clean acceptance letter stood still in his hand. His dream college, his future, all right in the paper he held. All of the countless hours studying in high school payed off. Nothing could ruin the life-changing moment. He could achieve his dream of becoming a doctor to help people pursue their lives even if problems jump in their way. He would take his mom's last name, Kepler, and be referred to as Doctor Kepler in a formal manner. Alex ran into the peachy colored kitchen to where his mom sat in a kitchen chair. She walked over to Alex and grabbed the letter to read. His mom looked up with a crazy looking smile.

"I'm so proud of you, honey! You deserved this for working so hard in school!" His mom chirped with her bright blue eyes. She wrapped Alex in a tight overwhelming embrace. He flashed a pearly white smile as he put his arms around her as well. His pocket vibrated suddenly and he backed up to pull his phone out. A message from his friend Matt lit up the screen. The message was for the hangout his friends had scheduled that night.

"Is it okay if I go over my friend's house? They said we could celebrate if I got in." Alex asked his mom, looking up from his phone.

"Sure. You have to make a promise to me though! I know some of your friends are older and are allowed to drink, but you are not! You're only seventeen." She held her finger out and waved it back and forth.

Alex gulped before he spat out a lie. He never liked when he lied to his mom but she wouldn't let him go out if he told the truth about what he'd do with his friends that night. He felt uncomfortable looking into his mother's trustful eyes.

"Of course not, I know you'd kill me if I did any of that. Matt said he wouldn't get any beer tonight. We're just watching some sports and eating a bunch of pizza rolls." Alex said in a convincing enough voice.

"Alright. Don't be out too late! Your little brother David has off school tomorrow since its Saturday and he wanted to go get ice cream with you before I take him with me to the Potter's house for counseling." She smiled. Alex nodded and walked over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye!" He called as he grabbed his car keys on the counter. He walked down the hallway and opened the door. As soon as it opened, a cold breeze hit his pale skin. His body shivered, stepping outside. White stars sprinkled the sky, giving the night a sense of light.

"Bye! Have fun!" He heard his mom respond before he slammed the front door.

He brushed his ginger hair with his hand and sighed. The real plan for tonight was to drive down to a bar named Leo's Bar in town where his friend Matt, who was older, would go in by himself to get everyone beer they could drink outside. Alex jumped in his bright red Subaru and started to drive into town. Blurs of trees passed by his window and finally he was in the town of Langdale. The town sat in a dark silence. The only places open were the hospital, the pharmacy, and Alex's destination, Leo's Bar. He let out a sigh as he pulled up into the parking lot of the bar where he saw a group of older guys. A neon sign saying "Leo's" stood outside on the wall of the bar illuminating area. The walls were roughly bricked and showed age. The pounding music coming from inside the building could be heard from outside.

"Alex! Congrats on getting into Hesling!" His friend named James said, as he jogged up to him. James was a close friend of Alex that was in the same grade as him. He gave Alex a quick hug before looking over to where Matt was walking to them.

"Hey Kepler! You did it! I knew you'd get in. You're the biggest smart ass of the group. You getting all those straight A's of course." Matt heavily laughed, patting Alex on the shoulder. Matt had been a childhood friend of Alex and helped him through losing his father to divorce.

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