The Long Game - V (Final)

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Continue from The Long Game - IV


"Someone's been telling you lies." The Doctor spoke.

"Young Master Adam Mitchell?"

Lily's eyes grew large as an image of Adam in the broadcasting room, sitting in the chair, popped up. "Oh God!" she shriek, watching his head retain information.

"What the hell has he done?" The Doctor asked in shock. "What the hell's he gone and done? They're reading his mind. He's telling them everything."

"And through him, I know everything about you." The Editor said, smugly. "Every piece of information in his head is now mine. And you have infinite knowledge, Doctor. The Human Empire is tiny compared to what you've seen in your T-A-R-D-I-S. TARDIS!"

"Well you'll never get your hands on it!" The Doctor spat. "I'd die first!"

"Die all you'd like. I don't need you! I've got the key." He grinned as the TARDIS key was lifted out of Adam's pocket, hanging off of Lily's silver chain.

"Oh come on Red!" The Doctor groaned. "Seriously?"

"I felt bad for him at the time!"

"Today, we are the headlines." The Editor announced. "We can rewrite history. We could prevent mankind from ever developing."

"And no one's going to stop you because you've bred a human race that doesn't bother to ask questions." The Doctor glared. "Stupid little slaves, believing every lie. They'll just trot right into the slaughter house if they're told it's made of gold."

The Editor stiffened. "Whats happening?" He demanded. "Someone's disengaged the safety. Who's that?"

Lily grinned brightly as a familiar face popped up on the screen. "It's Cathica!"

"And she's thinking!" The Doctor added with a laugh. "She's using what she knows!"

"Terminate her access!" The Editor commanded.

"Everything I told her about Satellite Five. The pipes, the filters, she's reversing it! Look at that!"

Lily and Rose watched as the icicles around the room started to melt. Heat quickly filling up the room. "It's getting hot in here!" Lily laughed.

"I said terminate her access!" He screamed at Suki. "Burn out her mind!"

The console exploded and due to the heat Lily was freed from her bonds. Knowing exactly what to do she grabbed the Doctors sonic out of his jacket and started freeing Rose. "She's venting the heat up here. The Jagrafess needs to stay cool and now it's sitting on top of a volcano." The Doctor continued.

With Rose now free Lily started to work on the Doctor as he continued talking to the Editor. "Oi, mate, want to bank on a certainty? Massive heat in a massive body, massive bang." Now freed and grabbing his sonic, he hurried out along with the sisters. "See you in the headlines!"


"We're just going to go." The Doctor told Cathica as they approached the TARDIS. "I hate tidying up. Too many questions. You'll manage."

Dreaming of a Blue Box | The Doctor {1} ✔️ (Original Version)Where stories live. Discover now