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an:: hi ok so if you haven't noticed I tend to forget this book exists. oops. as an attempt to redeem myself this chapter will be soft fluffy 2jae so yeah. pls forgive me. oh and also a dramatic lead up oops. why can't I just let there be a happy chapter idek anymore but yeah enjoy.

Throughout the rest of the school day youngjae couldn't seem to get the older boy off his mind. although he'd never admit it, bambam seemed to be right; the whole day he still had that goofy smile on his face. a few people questioned it but it never faded, not even when he was approached by jackson. he feels like he should be terrified of the guy, but somehow he just feels protected. the blonde scoffed at youngjae when the younger told him to 'talk to him when he finds the stick that's shoved up his ass.' if you asked him where he found the confidence to say something like that he honestly wouldn't be able to tell you, he has no idea himself. most bystanders found it amusing. no one ever dared to mess with jackson, especially not someone soft and innocent like youngjae. but here he was. jackson was fuming. "one more time youngjae I swear to god." youngjae grinned. "what about two more times?" jackson punched the wall he had youngjae backed up against. the small boy finched but didn't back down. "hey that wall didn't deserve to get punched it didn't do anything to you" he pouted. jackson glared holes into his skull. "choi fucking youngjae that's about to be you if you don't shut up." youngjae pouted again. "so you mean an innocent victim of your violent tendencies?" jackson was red with anger at this point. he couldn't stand it anymore. his knee drove into youngjae's stomach. the younger yelped. another knee. another yelp. by the time jackson was of normal color again, youngjae's wrists and stomach were turning a dark shade of purple from the kicking and tight grip. the blonde left the scene without a second thought. looking back at the soft boy on the floor, he did however, feel a pang of guilt and regret. he knew he couldn't personally do anything, so he went to his best friend jinyoung, took his phone, and dialed yugyeom's number, which was for some reason already in the males phone. jackson made a note to ask him about it later. he typed out a quick message to the giant and handed the phone back to it's owner. yugyeoms loud laughter was quickly cut off upon glancing at his phone screen. unfortunately, since it was the end of the day, the large maknae was already at home. it would take too long to go back to school himself, he thought, so he opened jaebum's number and sent him a text in all caps to go to the location 'jinyoung' had directed him in. the older male's heart stopped at the same time his foot tapping did. he began a full sprint towards the direction where youngjae was. when he finally reached the soft boy, he was well out of breath. and yet he couldn't care less, because there was choi youngjae, laying on the floor, sobbing. he ran up to the boy and enveloped him in a light hug, being careful of his stomach. the younger boy latched onto jaebum and cried into his shoulder. after about half an hour of just sitting there in each others arms, the poor boy had cried hiself to sleep. jaebum lifted him bridal style and carried him out to his car. he wasn't really sure where youngjae lived, so he just drove him to his own house. he gently set him on his bed and let him sleep. he grabbed an ice pack for all the bruises and set them on his arms and stomach. youngjae whined in his sleep, and jaebum felt his heart sink. while looking at the small boys features, he vowed to always keep youngjae safe and to protect him until the end of time.

~time skip brought to you by namjoon's dimple~

 it was starting to get late and youngjae was still asleep on jaebum's bed. the older didn't know what to do. he didn't know youngjae's address, yugyeom wouldn't give it to him(gdi kim yugyeom), and he didn't want to wake the  poor boy up. he decided just to use the youngers phone to call mrs. choi and explain the situation, to which she agreed to let the younger choi to stay the night at jaebum's. the older boy made and ate some food, and currently was reapplying ice to youngjae's bruises, which were becoming smaller, thankfully. the black haired boys phone rang. jaebum didn't recognize the number, but answered anyways. (italicized is jaebum and bold is the other caller)


"is this im jaebum?"

"yes, who is this?"

"my name is mark tuan"

"hi mark not to sound rude but why are you calling me?? and how did you get my number??"

"I got your number through park jinyoung. I heard about what happened to youngjae and I just want to make sure he's okay. He wasn't answering his phone."

"he's doing fine, his bruises are going away. how do you know jinyoung and youngjae? they aren't friends with each other?"

"that's a long story for another day. thank you jaebum"

and with that, mark ended the call. jaebum sat on the edge of the bed with eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of how jinyoung and youngjae and mark would know each other, especially since he'd never heard the name 'mark tuan' come out of anyones mouth. ever. he shook off the thought for now. glancing at the clock, he suddenly felt a wave a exaustion sweep over him. he changed into comfortable clothes and slowly slipped into bed next to youngjae, who sleepily clung onto him like a koala. once again, the two fell asleep like that, but with different thoughts on their minds.

oops that was probably the lamest thing i've ever wrote bye

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