3. Bad Habit

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Bad habits?
What like biting your nails
Or tapping your foot a lot,
Maybe biting your lip
How about twirling your hair?
Or maybe smoking hm?

Everyone has their bad habits.
And maybe mine was you.

Maybe I just missed how you told me "why have that cigarette pressed against your lips when you could be pressed against mine?" I think that was the beginning of it all.

You became my drug.
You became my cigarette.
I breathed you right in,
Then I breathed you out.

I got addicted to your taste.
But then your love ran out.
And was so overdosed on your love,
So overdosed that I could not see.
You were slowly killing me.

Now I've got to get you,
Up out of my mind.
And hopefully maybe,
Things will be fine.

But you're bad for me so, I have to let you go

You're like a cigarette... I guess I have to get rid of my bad habit

And I guess that bad habit was you.

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