Red City

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"Let's watch it burn..... Let's watch it burn" I hum quietly to myself as I serve the tables at The Late Night Bar. My bright red hair was undone and flowed all the way down to my shoulders.

"A Volcano, please..." I take the customers order.

"Coming right up!" I say as I start to walk away. As I round the counter, I start to sing again, very softly. "Let's watch this city burn the world" I dance around, making the drink 'Volcano' " Let's watch this city burn, from the skylines on top of the world" I walk over to the table "Here you go, my good sir...." I walk away and take a few more orders.

"Hey, Red? Good work today! Russ is going to take over now..." I heard my boss, Lord Cryoatic, say to me and points to Russ who is now serving tables.

"Thanks, Cry!" I call over to him, as I walk away, I continue to sing. "'Til there's nothing left of her, let's watch this city burn the world!" I skip down the street, heading towards my house. " My body doused in ash with two empty cans of gas. The only evidence they have is a police sketch of my mask!" I sing as I open my door, dancing around. " And it's hard at times to ask if you can save my heart for last, And it's hard to face the facts when the darkness fades to black" I sing as I close the door, I look around and summon my fire. "It's not just make believe when they make me take a seat, And they put amphetamines in the air and make me breathe, So come on and grab your children, look out for burning buildings, And villains who pillage, they're killing by the millions, And billions of people die for a lost cause So now I pray to my nation destroyed under god!" I laugh as I burn my wall to the ground, madness taking over me. I hear the voices of my old village before it was burned down to the ground.

"(It's the end of the world)" I then reply to the voice.

" All my battles have been won, But the war has just begun" I laugh manically remembering the past " Let's watch this city burn, From the skylines on top of the world, 'Til there's nothing left of her, Let's watch this city burn the world!" I yell out as I summon more fire. I remember my insane self and I repeat the words I said to my brother. " The city looks so pretty, do you wanna burn it with me? 'Til the skies bleeds ashes and the fucking skyline crashes, They catch us with matches to ignite the flame, And all the hopes of a youth deemed fucking insane!" I laugh and remember that my brother joined me, the villagers weren't happy with us. " They say, Take the pill, In god we trust" The we would reply with "Go and kill" I looked over at my brother as they sang again. "God loves us" My brother replied "As in life as in death" I finished "Breathing 'til there is no breath" I walked around the complex lighting different objects on fire, singing a new verse "I will not die in the night but in the light, Of the sun with the ashes of this world in my lungs, But who am I to say let's all just run away, Grab your saints and pray, we're gonna burn this world today." The voices came back.

"(Say it's the end of the world)"

" As in heaven as on earth, We've been dead since our birth" My gaze was sweeping across the entire room and fire. I start to sing again. "Let's watch this city burn, From the skylines on top of the world, 'Til there's nothing left of her, Let's watch this city burn the world" I then remember my father coming out of our house, him singing, then my brother and I singing to him and each other.

"(Let's watch it burn, Let's watch it burn)" He sang, his eyes matching the blaze.

"The city looks so pretty," My brother sang to my father.

"Do you wanna burn it with me?" I asked him.

"The city looks so pretty" My brother sang again.

"Do you wanna burn it with me?" I asked, my eyes wild with power.

"The city looks so pretty" My brother exclaimed a final time.

"Do you wanna burn it with me?" I question a final time. I then describe the aftermath switching back and forth from reality and the past. " We use the trees as torches"

"Do you wanna burn it with me?"

"Fill the streets with corpses"

"Do you wanna burn it with me?"

"Watch the city fucking bleed"

"Do you wanna burn it with me?"

"Bring the world to its knees"

"Do you wanna burn it with me?"

"Let's watch this city burn"

"From the skylines on top of the world"

"'Til there's nothing left of her"

"Let's watch this city burn the world"

"Let's watch this city burn"

"From the skylines on top of the world"

"'Til there's nothing left of her"

"Let's watch this city burn the world"

"Let's watch it burn, Let's watch it burn, Let's watch this city burn the world!"

"Last night, an entire apartment complex was burned to the ground. No witnesses, no survivors. All fire-wielders are being questioned currently, no further news. Lord Pewdiepie?"

"What's happening bros, my name's PEEEWWWWWDIEPIEEEEEEE!" I turn off the radio, not wanting to hear anymore. I was already questioned, and they don't believe I burned down the complex. They only have two clues, four years ago, an entire village was burned to the ground by two kids born with the gift of Fire. The last clue, Ignis. My old name.

Hello, my name is Red.

I am a Fire-wielder.

I am insane.

Welcome to Hell Victubia,

Good luck finding me.


Well guys, this is the first one shot that I have ever posted, tell me if you want more, or if you want any of these stories to be an actual story.

Also, have any story type requests, I made this one shot out of a song, so if you want, recommend a song, whether or not you had someone in mind with this song, or anything else you might want in that one shot.

~See you around!



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