Chapter 65

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The Azurians retreated soon after. Their last soldiers still up and fighting got slayed by Felleran swordsmen and kicked off the wall. When the twangs and hisses of arrows stopped completely, and all that remained was a sort of feverish silence, the Fellerans started to slap one another on the back and pull each other into celebratory hugs.

Noah sat leaning against the parapet at the back of the walkway, watching it all unfold and not knowing how to feel. Deciding now was a good time to let go of the unnatural light, he relaxed the part of his mind that had been stubbornly focused all along. Clouded darkness shrouded the castle grounds. The celebrating warriors barely seemed to notice.

An acute pain darted through Noah's skull, pinning him to the floor. His breathing was hard and came out in white smoke in the cold. It took some time for his numb fingers to slide his unused knife back in his coat. Somehow, the scents of snow and winter in the depths of the air made the pungent smells of blood, sweat, and burnt flesh even worse.

It didn't feel right that people around him acted so enthusiastic. If anyone bothered to ask his opinion, Noah would tell them that this had obviously been some kind of a test. The Fellerans had been gauged tonight, nothing more. They couldn't afford to underestimate Seraph. Noah had gotten a taste of his powers, and now that he was no longer bathed in the catalyst's energy, it left him shaking like a leaf.

When Noah looked up again, he realized he must've been spacing out, because most of the guards and soldiers had left. Jaden emerged from the shadows and knelt beside him. His bow and quiver were gone, his jacket was half open, and his messy hair was loose in the wind.

"I'm sorry I asked so much of you." He offered his hand, and Noah took it. Jaden got back up and pulled Noah to his feet.

"We're holding hands a lot lately." His voice came out slurred from being too cold.

Jaden cast a worried glance over him. "I can't tell if your joking means you're all right, or that you're on the brink of passing out."

". . . Both?"

"That's not logically possible, is it?" Jaden chuckled. "Come on, let's go somewhere warm."

"Sounds nice."

Jaden slung Noah's arm around his shoulders, and they walked to the nearest opening in the parapet. After they'd carefully climbed down the steep stone stairs, they followed a narrow procession of wounded soldiers all the way inside the keep. Then Jaden brought him to the makeshift infirmary, which was about half full.

"Why'd you take me here? I'm fine." Noah pulled away so he could stand on his own. The shaking was slow to ease away, but his fingers and toes were claimed by the uncomfortable itch of thawing, and mostly he just felt tired.

Jaden still looked concerned. "I've never seen you this pale before."

"I'm peachy."

Turning away, Noah spotted Ambry, in a simple dove grey dress, her golden locks secured in a white ribbon. She fussed from one makeshift bed to the next, assessing the severity of wounds, and providing instructions to her assistants – some servants, and also some volunteers from the T'Sherazee family. Noah smiled at the sight of Bryani, Sofi and Chana dutifully following Ambry around.

Alexa and Kili had also offered their help. Whilst Alexa waited for Ambry's instructions, Kili clearly knew what she was doing; as Noah watched, she efficiently applied some kind of poultice on a clean wound, then bandaged it with deft hands.

Then panic seized him when he saw Dharkan storming in the infirmary with Kitera in his arms. As he laid her down on a long, sheet-covered table, Noah rushed to her side, Jaden in tow.

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