The project

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The weekend was over and a new cruel week began. Baekhyun preferred not to go but he needed to.

He got up and makes himself ready. With no energy, he took his bag and went downstairs. Not eating something before he goes to school, he went already outside for the bus. 

When the bus arrived, he went in and saw two of Chanyeol's friends in the back of the bus. Baekhyun didn't know the names but they looked definitely bigger than him. He could tell even though they were sitting.

Looking around he saw no free seats in the front of the bus so he needed to go to the back. Walking there, he saw the gazes of the others. Baekhyun took a sit 2 rows before Chanyeol's friends. He heard them whisper and laughing at him. He knew it because it's always like this. Why would they suddenly laugh and whisper?...

As Baekhyun arrived at the school, he saw many students outside waiting for the door to open. Slowly steps were taking. He didn't want to stand there outside and getting disgusting looks from others. It makes him feel uneasy. While he was trying to take slow steps as possible, he spotted Chanyeol's friends who were walking to Chanyeol and a girl? They giggled around while Chanyeol is hugging her from behind.

'Ah, it's probably his 'new' girlfriend.' Baekhyun shooted them short glances. 'She's pretty'  But everyone knew that Chanyeol would probably have a new girlfriend next week. He does it every time. They date for 1 or 2 weeks and Chanyeol would break up after that saying he got bored. Baekhyun felt sorry for some of the girls. They always look so heartbroken when Chanyeol broke up with them. Why are they even expecting much from this idiot? The girls always getting high hopes when they're dating with Chanyeol. Why are they even doing it?
But it's not Baekyhun's problem...

The bell rang and everyone walked in. 



Baekhyun turned around and saw Kyungsoo with another guy. 

The boy looked a bit like a girl.

''Hey,'' Kyungsoo said. ''what's up?'' 

Baekhyun looked at them both and waving with one hand.

''Ah, this is my friend!'' Kyungsoo grinned while hanging an arm around the other boy.

''Annyeong! I'm Luhan.'' He smiled.

Baekhyun nodded. 

''Soo (Kyungsoo) told me a lot about you. YOU'RE SO SWEET OMG!'' Luhan wiggled. ''I don't get it why people bully yo-- oh s-sorry..--'' His voice got quieter.

''It's okay.'' Baekhyun said while turning his pressed lips into a small smile.

''I think we should go in now.'' Kyungsoo said. ''Yes..'' Luhan said.

The day went over fast. Baekhyun is in his penultimate class. Math.

It's one of his favorite subjects next to music, what he is going to have next. Suddenly the bell rang and the students ran out. And as Baekhyun tried to stand a girl pushed his things onto the floor. 'Ups..'
Baekhyun sighed silently and looked up and only saw her back. 'I think I saw her before.. Chanyeol's girlfriend?'

His next class was music. He sat at the front. In the middle sat Kyungsoo and Luhan. They waved and smiled at him as he turned around. He had music class with them and also with Chanyeol..
Speaking of Chanyeol he walked in with his 'girlfriend' hand in hand. They took the sits behind Baekhyun.
'Why here??' Baekhyun thought to himself while trying not to look nervous and focusing on the teacher who walked in now.

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