Chapter 3: Training Day 2

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Ray laid in bed for a little while longer. He tried to sleep but couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching him. He looked around his room and saw a bright green peaking from behind corner. Ray didn't feel afraid though, he was more curious. He could tell it was a girl with dark green hair. She looked incredibly shy and didn't seem to be a person who was interactive. Ray then noticed something odd about her ears, they were pointy. Ray realized she was an elf. He only heard of elves from stories. 
"You're an elf right?" Ray asked her.
She nodded at him but still didn't move from her spot.
"What are you doing here?"
The elf gave him a look of curiousness.
"I work for the King." She responded to him.
"Like a slave?" Ray asked.
She shook her head at him.
"No, I'm the castle's healer." She responded.
Ray unwrapped his bandages and saw no mark of where the sword struck him.
"Why are you hiding?" Ray asked her.
"I've never seen you before." She responded.
"I'm not gonna hurt you." He said.
She then walked out from the corner revealing what she looked like. She wore nurse like clothing and looked very shy. 
"Who told you to heal me?" Ray asked her.
"Anna did." She responded.
Ray thought for a minute and then looked back the Elf.
"I never got your name." Ray told her.
She didn't look like she wanted tell Ray but did anyway.
"It's Sabrina." She responded.
"My name is Ray, nice to meet you." Ray greeted her.
Sabrina blushed a little and then ran out the room. Ray was confused but didn't want to bother getting up. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. It opened and revealed Anna, but she wasn't wearing any armor, she was in normal clothes now. It was a skinny dress that was grey with some black outlines.
"Why the change of clothes?" Ray asked her.
"I'm off for today." Anna responded.
"What are you doing here?" Ray asked.
"Thought you might have some questions for me." She responded.
"I do have a few, but I feel as if they are too personal." Ray claimed.
Anna then sat on the bed and was next to Ray. Ray felt a little odd since he never had a girl sit next to him before.
"Why are sitting next to me?" Ray asked her calmly.
"You expect me to stand?" She asked.
"No, I guess not." He said looking down.
"I'm giving you three questions, you already used up one." She exclaimed.
"How old are you?" Ray asked. 
Anna looked at him and then gave him a smile. Ray expected her to be around thirty years old, but he got a different answer.
"I'm sixteen." She responded.
Ray gave her a face of disbelief.
"That can't be true, no way in hell that's possible!" Ray argued.
"Well it's clearly in front of you." She said. "One more question."
Ray thought for a minute and came up with one.
"Why are you so interested in me?" Ray asked.
Her smile went away and she then looked at the wall. She began thinking and then turned back to Ray. 
"No one has been able to resist my knock out spell other than you which caught my attention." She responded.
"That's it?" Ray asked.
Anna then smiled a little bit.
"Well it may also have to do with how you look." She responded. 
Ray looked confused at her and was about to ask her another question  but he put a finger on his mouth before he could speak. 
"That's enough questions for now, you owe me one question since I gave you an extra." Anna claimed.
"Alright, shoot." He said.
Anna shook her head no.
"I'll ask you later." She said and got off the bed.
She then went up to the door and then looked back.
"See you at training tomorrow." Anna said and then finally walked off.
Ray was curious on what question she possibly had but didn't want to keep guessing. Ray then went to sleep quickly, he was apparently tired.

The next day he was ready to fight once more. He had his wooden sword out and Anna had her rapier out. 
"You ready?" Ray asked her as he was pumped up.
"Nice attitude for someone who's gonna fail." Anna taunted.
"I think I can handle you." Ray said smiling. 
The King held his hand out and snapped his fingers.
"Begin!" The King commanded. 
Ray the charged with his sword facing in front of him. She quickly dodged his attack and slammed him to the ground with intense force.
"God that hurt." Ray complained. 
"Get up slacker, you talked to much game." Anna said and kicked him away. 
Ray could barely get up but still stood. 
"You still get up even with all that force?" She asked.
"I won't give up till I'm dead."Ray said with a smile.
Anna smiled back at him and pointed her sword at him.
"I can do that for you." She said. 
She then ran toward Ray at unpredictable speed. Ray didn't even see her when she got behind him. When he turned around her rapier pierced his stomach again.  He looked at her with anger in his eyes. 
"Damn you." Ray said barely.
Anna just smiled at him.
"Sleep." whispered and snapped her fingers.
Ray instantly went to sleep.

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