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Chapter Twenty One: Battle

~~ We didn't stop at port, in fact, we didn't stop until it was absolutely necessary to; the Captain said he was having troubles with Edward (A.K.A. Blackbeard). "Why?" I asked as I picked at something stuck to my trousers.

"Difference of opinion, and, we're both as stubborn as mules." He said with a sigh, digging through his closet in search of something.

"You got that right" I said softly; he turned from the closet and raised his eyebrows, causing me to giggle; he turned back to his closet. "What's the difference of opinion over?" 

"New headquarters, mostly. Our old one was ambushed by the East India Trading Company, though, it wasn't taken over, most of our supplies and charts were demolished and burnt. I would like the headquarters to be stationed in Singapore, but, Edward fancies Victoria Falls, in Africa. Then, there's the problem of him stealing some of my fleet. He claims his fleet's diminishing, but, I've seen it, he's only growing stronger." The Captain hissed; digging through the very bottom of his closet.

"But, I thought you two jointly captained the fleet" I said and he shook his head.

"No, we argued far too much. Besides, I am nauseated by the smell of burning hair." Said he, turning and making a funny, disgusted face; I started laughing and fell back onto the bed, he smiled and sighed, standing. Then, he gave out a cry of discovery and fell to his knees, digging a bit more, only to pull out a dust covered, green, leather bound book.

"What's that?" I asked as he walked over to me, brushing the dust and dust bunnies off of the cover.

"It's a journal, not mine, obviously, but, you said you continuously became bored and I have no use for the book any longer, so, here." He said, giving me the book, I smiled, he wasn't very good at giving things; I thanked him and pecked his cheek, sitting back and opening the book, listening to the spine crinkle beneath it's own weight as the pages turned and spat their pungent perfume into my face. I love books, when you read books, they say, you live thousands of times over, depending on how many books you read. Books can transport you into worlds you never even knew could exist! Books are, in all honesty, the simplest way of time travel.

The Captain smiled and patted my shoulders, standing. I tore my eyes away from the creamy, white pages to see him walking away. "Captain, uh, where are we?" I asked and the Captain held up his index finger, striding out of the room, only to come back moments later.

"We are approaching upon the Sao Tome and Principe, a small island beside the middle of Africa; as we speak we're actually crossing the equator" He answered with a smile; I nodded and he began to leave again.

"Captain!" I called and he paused, turning and looking to me. "When's the next time we'll port?"

"In a few hours, it won't be long. I'll take you to a restaurant and we'll relax, okay?" He asked and I nodded; I felt odd as he left, for I felt that, I didn't want him to leave!


"Yes, sweet cheeks?" He asked, becoming visibly irritated. I paused.

"O-Oh, it''s okay, you can go if you'd like." Said I, turning to him and pushing myself farther onto the bed.

"No, no, you had something you wanted to say or ask, what is it?" He asked, I hesitated. "Come on, out with it!" He said, drumming his fingers upon his arm.

"H-How long will you stay with me when we get to London?" I asked quietly, truthfully, I wanted him to stay with me all of eternity, but I knew he would want to return to his boat sometime. He walked back into the room and closed the door behind him, walking around the bed and sitting beside me, taking up my hand in his own.

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