Chapter 45

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The year has gone by pretty fast. The school is going well. Dakota has made some new friends and no longer really bothers Ninfa or me during the school days.
But it really is almost all a blur up to this moment. All I've ever cared for. My family, right here and now.
Dakota points to herself. "Big sis..ter.." She stutters to pronounce.
"Big sister, yeah." Ninfa says. Her hand squeezes mine tightly.
Both sort of fearful how Dakota will take it. Me mostly because I know how much power Dakota holds. Being me, with my job, Dakota is more powerful than any other being besides me.
The reaction actually brings us all into laughter. Dakota puts her ear to Ninfa's belly and yells "Hello."
When your kid does this. You can't help but laugh because it's damn cute. And perfect.
It was me who caught the heartbeat, actually. While she was asleep I heard little thuds. I thought it was Leo. Or Dakota. But they were asleep, also frozen, in the other room.
And when Ninfa woke, I told her and she confirmed. I don't know if I could be happier than I am right now. In the future I will be. Dakota is almost 3. I lost count of my own age, to be honest.
"I wanna name." Dakota looks from me to Ninfa and back.
"That's up to you, Ninfa."
"More like what she wants to name it."
"How bad could it be?"
"Babe. Ask a 3 year old what they want to call their sibling, it may be spongebob."
"What's wrong with spongebob?"
She gives me a look and I laugh lightly to it. Just the elements of everything today has held is all messed up. Mixed matched and happy.
"Alright, Babygirl. What do you wanna do today?"
"No school."
"Schools off, it's Saturday."
"But it's 12:41 And we just got up?"
"Food, sleep."
"Want to go out to eat?"
"Are you sure?" Ninfa asks immediately.
"I protect as does she. Do not worry, my love."
Though worried we get dressed and ready to head out. My honesty here is.. brutal. Humans are dicks. So unaccepting of the futa. Unaccepting in general...
"She's so cute." The waiter says and smiles.
Our eyes hidden from humans so they see us as normal. Except the fact that Dakota looks like both of us. I can see judgement to it the longer they look at us.
It spikes my anxiety. Which is a reason why Ninfa worries when we go out. I just.. I like people to a certain extent but it's the judging.
The waiter seems to keep staring, I expect nothing less. Though when she sits, I'm confused.
"I know she's an angel."
I freeze time around us and keep her in. Dakota out too. She doesn't need to hear.
"I just do."
"And why? Why do you know?"
"She's the only one who can help me."
Her eyes turn grey. A dull grey. Before hidden again by a brown.
"You're a demon in human vessel. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you."
"Because I need a message to Marcus."
Ninfa looks from me to the girl. "Lakyn?"
"One and only. I do admit, I don't enjoy being a woman but this body will die. Soon, I feel her slipping and she should it's been a couple of thousand of years."
"How come you didn't reach out sooner?"
"I feel this off, Ninfa. Something a wrong. I don't trust this. She's not lying but I don't trust it."
"I couldn't get to you. Each time I tried, a magic force would stop me. I was lucky this time. I can't get pass her fucking guards at the school either."
I didn't know safety was a crime? Especially for me? Like seriously? Does he-she know who I am? I'm not frustrated and anxiety taking grasp.
"Well pardon me for being cautious."
"I do not blame you, my lord. Just saddened me. But you're here. I got lucky, hoping you'd come in this dinner cause it was close to the school."
"What is your message?" Ninfa gets to the point.
"He needs to work with Darklord to bring my body back from the empty."
"No one comes back from the empty, Lakyn. You got lucky for jumping."
"Why didn't you pray?" Ninfa asks.
"Lucifer would have heard and killed me. Or God because I jumped into a human."
"Makes sense. I would have prayed from my cage but the only one to hear would be Lucifer and I would have gotten thousand time worse than I had."
"I have to apologize to you, Darklord."
"Why?" ..I mean besides you being a dick.
"I.. I was his right hand man.."
"My 'demons' no longer haunt me, Lakyn."
"I'll go retrieve him. After we get over with our meal. If you do not mind."
"Of course not, Queen."
Ninfa squeezes my hand tightly. My anxiety is spiking like it never has before. But I keep posture. So.ething feels so off..
"Tell me when you leave."
"We'll leave you a place to travel to."
She nods and leaves the table. I resume time. My heart racing fast.
We get to eating and it's peaceful. Dakota is enjoying herself a lot. I love her energy and she's a lot of energy in one being.
We finish and I leave Joel's address on the table. Also allowing her presence there. We head to Joel's.
"Joel. I need help." He rushes to me as we enter the room.
"I'm not hurt or anything."
Luke takes the sleeping Dakota. I'm glad for him.
"What's going on?"
"Remember how Ninfa and I are forbidden? Someone showed up today. Anyway. They're coming here. She... He will tell you his story."
"Lakyn? Lucifer's man. I know of him but he's dead." Joel says.
"Wrong." The appears.
"I had a choice and I made it. I've been trying to reach out to the Darklord and her queen for so long but nothing got to them. Even when they had their bad days. My body is trapped in the empty. If I can retrieve it, I can be free of this human and she can finally lay to rest." Lakyn speaks.
"How would Valerie help? No one returns from the empty." Joel asks.
"Her blood made a portal before. With her blood and my loves, I should be able to get in my body and come home. I just want to go home."
"He wouldn't believe this, Lakyn. He's broken, lost. He has been for too many years to count." Ninfa says to him.
"Tell him one word and he will believe." Lakyn smiles.
"Which is?" I ask.
"Rather interesting word." Ninfa says.
I stop the world. Them. All. Just Ninfa and I in time.
"I.. I fear, Ninfa."
"You should hold no fear. No one is going to hurt you. No one is going to hurt me. I have trust."
"You can't come back from the empty."
"There must be a way."
"If I can't do this, if it goes wrong, I could kill both of them. And myself."
She hovers to my level and brings her arms around me. She kisses my cheek lightly.
"You have no faith in yourself. But I believe in you."
"You must come back to me. Come back for Dakota." I speak of her leaving for heaven.
"I will. I'll be back in a couple of minutes. Like I never left."
"I don't know why I'm so scared. You know I don't hold fear but this feels wrong. Something about this feels wrong."
"Lucifer is gone. No one was more evil than him. There is nothing to worry about."
I just feel off. I don't know if I can preform what is being asked of me. I'm worried I might end both and me. I'm worried. And I barely worry for a thing.
"Look at me."
I pull away enough for her to see me. Her teal eyes. Ones I've loved the light of for so many years now.
"Why do you hold so much fear right now?"
"I think it's because of .." I lightly press my hand to her stomach. "Yes, I protect with everything I have. For you, Dakota and the baby, I protect. It's just I'm worried. If anything goes wrong, I could be in danger and you and our family would be along with it."
"The rolls have switched. Once you believed in yourself but I didn't. And now I believe in you, your strength and love and you don't."
"Forgive me.."
"You're so ridiculous. I don't see a reason for need of forgiveness. It's alright. Things will be okay."
"I can't promise to these people that I am the savior of which I am titled. I can try. I will try. But I do not think I will succeed."
"If you do, we're never forbidden again." She smirks. "Not like us being forbidden ever stopped us."
I lean in and kiss her lips lightly. "Nope."
"So stop worrying. I'll come back. We both will. We'll always come home to you, Valerie. Like you will me."
"Can I ask a favor?"
I tighten my hold and take her lips in mine. Within the kiss I give but also take a power. Give her the power to be unlimited in most ways. Take the power to summon her as she can summon me.
The kiss breaks with both out of breath. Her eyes shine brightly, brighter than before. The halo in the teal all the more perfect.
"What did you do?"
"Broke your limitations. Or most. Allowed myself to be able to summon you as you can summon I."
"And you feel no strain on your own power to that?"
"Not a bit, love. I'm good. As long as my heart beats for you, if I call, you will come."
"Bad timing but you make me come a lot."
I feel my cheek heat up quickly. I know I do and it feels amazing when I do.. But damn can she cause me to overheat in blush.
A little sweet, perverted distraction off of this whole mess. I guess for her me smiling of some sort is better than me not at all. Or maybe she thinks I need a good distraction to overpower the bad feeling.
"Let's do this, Valerie."
I nod to her. "I suppose."

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