[46] Airplane Ride

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  Avery Holmes




  I ran until my lungs burned, but even then I didn't stop. There wasn't any time to cry tears of joy anymore because now I was on a mission. Trying to replay Marcus's directions in my head, I forced my feet to move, despite my calves burning.

  I turned around and made sure that nobody was following. What Marcus had done was a really brave thing, but what would happen to him? I was terrified that he'd be shot, but right now I had to focus on saving myself.

  Bright lights shone ahead that read 'The Reef' and I knew that I had made it. The Reef was the same hotel that Niall and I stayed at only a few weeks ago, but now it felt like years. It felt like it's been years since I'd been with Niall in general, actually.

  The street was crowded now and the only thing that illuminated it were the orange street lamps. Some people looked at me like I was insane- with my wild hair, bruises, and dirt-covered skin, I'm sure I looked it, too.

  "Excuse me!" I shouted, speeding past people. I heard a few people holler insults back at me, but I really didn't care. My legs became wobbly with the fact that I was now freed.

  When I reached The Reef, I swung the doors open and ran right into the lobby. I could see some people giving me a frightened look as I scanned the crowd, looking for the manager that I had spoken to when I stayed here. When I finally found him at the front desk, I almost started to cry.

  I basically threw myself into the front desk, earning a sharp pain in my chest. The manager, Mr. Smith by what his name tag said, adjusted his glasses as squinted at me.

  "Avery Holmes?" He whispered. He appeared to be in complete shock.

  "I need to call 911 now, please." Was all I could say before breaking down in embarrassing sobs.




  The rest was all a blur.

  There were sirens and police cars and an ambulance, and I really had no choice but to be strapped into a stretcher and sped away to the hospital, all the way with tears streaming down my cheeks. The street was crowded, girls taking pictures of me for who knows why. I was scared and wanted Niall.

  "I just tweeted him seventy five times!" I heard a girl squeal. I frowned before realizing they were talking about Niall and all these girls were fans. But how did they know we were dating? Sure, it had probably been rumored, but what the heck?

  "Stay with us, Ms. Holmes." A kind man wearing scrubs said. I heard a one, two, three! before my stretcher was lifted up into the tiny back of the ambulance. I wanted to ask them to call Niall, but I didn't want to speak. I imagine that they called him a while ago, though.

  "As far as I can tell it's just severe bruising, but we'll have to run some tests." I heard one doctor say to another as they climbed in the back. Behind them sat a police officer, who was looking at me as if he was trying to read my mind.

  "Sweetie," A soft voice cooed, and I looked to my side to see a ginger woman who appeared to be around mid fifties wearing scrubs and holding a wash cloth. "Let's get you cleaned up a bit, okay?" I nodded and closed my eyes as she wiped my face with the cloth.

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