Chapter 2 - Find my way back

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Your POV

(Date of your dirthday)

At the survey corps base.

Its night, Petra was alone crying while she was looking at a picture with her and her best friend who died 3 years ago.
All of sudden Farlan, Isabel and Levi appeared.

They stood behind her and looked at the picture.

"Who is she?" Isabel asked
"My best friend (y/n)....she would turn 18 today ....if she was alive"
"She died?" Farlan asked
"Yes.....3 years ago"
"I'm sorry....but  its going to be okay" Farlan tried to calm Petra down.
"I miss her so much....she didn't deserve that she had been through a lot"
"Like?" Isabel said
"Her stepfather was abusing her and had lost her family"
Farlan hugged Petra
"She didnt deserve to die, all she wanted was to be free"
"Well at one point now she is and you have to think positive" Isabel said as she placed her hand on Petra's shoulder
Levi didnt say anything he was just looking at the picture but he broke his silence
"She was beautiful"
Petra turned her attention to Levi she didnt believe that Levi would say something like that.
"ok...we better go and sleep we have to go to a town tomorrow far away from here" Levi said
"Hmm...where and why"
"At a town called santa-lucia far away we have to find a man named zackley and talk to him about something and get some information.


The next morning

Santa-Lucia(The place you're living)

I was walking around the town when I suddenly looked at someone who looked familiar, I saw him turning  around and staring at me"(Y/N)!" he called my name. That man......was Phillip.
I ran away trying to make him lose me.
As I was running down the streets, I looked behind me to see if he was still chasing me, bit then I bumped into a stranger and fell on the ground.
He was a raven haired man with dark blue eyes by his side was another man he was blonde with blue eys and a stange haircut(Farlan).

I quickly stood up and faced the man.
"I'm sorry...I'm really sorry" I apologized and tried to run away but the man grabbed my wrist "where do you think you're going and why are you running like this?"
I turned around and saw that was running in my direction.

"I'm sorry, I can't explain now, I have to go, h-he want to hurt me please let me go" I Said as I pointed at Phillip the man let go of my han, and I ran as fast as I could.

The two men stopped the Phillip "Hey, you better stop chasing young girls, and go back to work, you pervert" The  raven haired man told him. Phillip just gave up and left, after all he couldn't so something, if he'd say what's really happening and why he was chasing you, he'd end up in a jail.

"Ne, Levi...didnt this girl look familiar or its only me who think that?"

"Well, she kinda reminds me of soemone---"

"Petra's best friend!"

Levi nodded and now they were the ones who were chasing you.

I was still running when, I realized that Phillip lost me, or I hoped to. I stopped. I was panting and I was trying to catch my breath, while I was looking behind to see if Phillip would come. I turned around my head and the two men from earlier appeared in front of me.

"You're coming with us" the blond guy said as he grabbed my left hand while the other guy grabbed my right.

"Wait what...I didint do anything I have to go that man--"

"Don't worry he's not after you anymore"


I walked towards the direction the men were walking, I was kinda scared, after all I was a thief, what if they threw my in a jail.

We arrived at a place where two girls were waiting, something seemed familiar about the one of them.

She turned around "Oh farla--" before she could finish her sentence she noticed me and was looking at her with wide eyes.



Thats it for today's chapter
Hope you like it
Love ya

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